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    Member of the parliamentary economy: traders and mafias behind the lack of activation of tariff law

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    Member of the parliamentary economy: traders and mafias behind the lack of activation of tariff law Empty Member of the parliamentary economy: traders and mafias behind the lack of activation of tariff law

    Post by Rocky Sat 06 Jul 2013, 4:18 am

    Member of the parliamentary economy: traders and mafias behind the lack of activation of tariff law

    06-07-2013 10:43 AM

    Baghdad (news) .. A member of the Committee on Economy and Investment Kurdistan Alliance MP Jassim Alchenkala, a mafia of traders are putting pressure on the government not to approve the tariff law.

    He said Alchenkala (of the Agency news): He tariff law since the approval delay the more than once and did not apply, noting that the Economic Commission demanded the government enabled this, but has not been implemented.

    He added: tariff law is one of the important laws, pointing out that non-compliance leads to an imbalance in the economy of the country, for his significant role in the regulation of trade and the work of traders and import and export process, as is the case in all countries of the world.

    He explained: that there are mafias of traders are trying to put pressure on the government in order not to activate the law, ruling out the rise in commodity prices in the event of the application of tariff law, even rose a shrug merchant price increases without submitting to a particular law.

    The Presidency of the Council of Ministers has formed a joint committee by the ministries of oil, electricity, transport, trade and finance, in order to simplify customs procedures, and create a mechanism for the application of the law of customs tariff. / End / 5. B. PVC /

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