BAGHDAD / News Network Iraq , despite approval by the Iraqi parliament on the new budget presented by Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi government in 2017, but many political forces are still not satisfied with the division of appropriations where as many economists are skeptical about the possibility of bridging the items which rely on borrowing and aid. Since the vote on the budget on the seventh of this month, comments and analyzes of the Iraqi forces on them especially some Sunni and Kurdish forces did not stop. However , the budget came down about 6 percent from the current year 's budget, but that may not be enough to meet the demands of the international institutions (World Bank and International Monetary Fund) that Iraq needs to borrow from them.Allocated budget (which is more than a hundred trillion dinars, or about 85 billion US dollars) to 12 trillion dinars war on Daesh, is not included in the defense budget and the allocation of the popular crowd. The popular crowd demanding about $ 7 billion, but the government has allocated a budget of 110 thousand fighters ' salaries ( the popular crowd and tribal forces) Almacarkin in the battle of Mosul. The dilemma facing the government they reconstruction in the areas of restoring Daesh projects, and provide jobs for its population and improve their living conditions. There are no provisions for it, but the budget loans and aid adopted as a major supplier to these efforts. Many Iraqis and compares the situation of residents of the territories , which restored the government of Daesh, (Anbar, Diyala and Salah al - Din), and what awaits him Nineveh 's population after the end of the battles for liberation. As most of the inhabitants of those areas are still suffering hardship who suffer it been burned under controlled Daesh in their areas, and this is the biggest challenge before the government Abadi. Iraq relies on oil sales revenues as a major supplier of income, and the share of oil revenues from the country 's income in 2015 about 85 percent. Despite the increase in Iraqi production above 4 million barrels a day , but the price of oil (which is not much higher than the $ 40 price of Iraqi crude to $ 42) makes the revenue is not sufficient. Although it austerity budget, but the Ministry of the Interior and Defense received a substantial increase in their allocations in addition to health and education. To compensate for the lack of spending cuts, the budget included an increase in the basic services provided to citizens as well as cut staff salaries by 3.8 percent rates. Iraqis complain that ordinary citizens bear the brunt of what the government considers an "economic reform" while corruption is endemic in the country and wasted on Iraq billions of dollars annually. In addition to the provision of loans, bridge financing of projects in the restored areas of Daesh, the budget relies in this item also on aid from Western countries such as Britain and Germany , along with the United States. For the first time, the budget between the payment of staff salaries in the Kurdistan region linked (650 thousand) and the Government 's commitment to Irbil to leave the right to sell 550 thousand barrels per day of oil of Kurdistan by the Baghdad government. He repeated that the agreement between Erbil and Baghdad , and is not bound by it every time. Iraqi budget allocates 17 percent of the Kurdistan Regional Government.