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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Maliki: we seek to find a window for the financial support of the private sector and multiple source

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Maliki: we seek to find a window for the financial support of the private sector and multiple source Empty Maliki: we seek to find a window for the financial support of the private sector and multiple source

    Post by Rocky Sun 07 Jul 2013, 3:23 pm

    Maliki: we seek to find a window for the financial support of the private sector and multiple sources of income for Iraq

    Sunday, July 7, 2013 12:16

    Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said Iraq is seeking to find a window for the financial support of the private sector after leaving the international sanctions within the provisions of Chapter VII.

    The UN Security Council voted on June 27 of last year to remove Iraq from the international sanctions imposed on it since 1990 to the former regime’s invasion of Kuwait.

    Maliki said during his speech the tenth anniversary of the founding of Trade Bank of Iraq on Sunday that “the banking system is healthy is one of the factors that succeed the process of construction and reconstruction, We can not pretend that we have reached a banking system, an ambitious but we have come a long way whatever in this area through the confidence that Nhrzha with international banks which is considered an important step in the wheel of progress of reconstruction and investment. “

    He added that “Iraq and after his release from Chapter VII, which was the endangered and international intervention today became unable to open up to various fields, including banking business.”

    The prime minister pointed out that “Iraq is moving day and urges the pace towards the process of reconstruction and provision of services and trade and increase the natural resources of oil and gas and work on multiple sources of income and diversity through the activation of the tourism and agricultural and industrial sectors in order to address the imbalance of the lack of services, which is still suffering the Iraqi people and we are heading these two directions through the optimal use of riches Hotozifaa in achieving the best services and the reconstruction process through the construction of urban political achieve the aspirations of the citizens. “

    And between al-Maliki that “the Trade Bank of Iraq passed through difficult circumstances and procedures is incorrect, but we have taken strong measures and quick to address the imbalance existing in it and was able to bank that restores and a half billion dollars Kmadionat investors were disabled for CTN new management of the bank was able to recover the money and entered as part of the process of reconstruction and rehabilitation underlying structures.

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