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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Moving truck spotted outside White House - PRAISE THE LORD, IT'S ABOUT OVER


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    Moving truck spotted outside White House - PRAISE THE LORD, IT'S ABOUT OVER Empty Moving truck spotted outside White House - PRAISE THE LORD, IT'S ABOUT OVER

    Post by Lobo Wed 04 Jan 2017, 6:08 pm

    Moving truck spotted outside White House
    By Alex Pappas • 1/4/17 5:10 PM

    A moving truck was seen on Wednesday parked outside the White House, where President Obama will live and work for just two more weeks.
    The truck was parked on West Executive Avenue, a street inside the White House gates and situated in-between the Eisenhower Executive Office Building and the West Wing.

    The large Moving Masters, Inc. white truck has blue lettering on its side saying: "It's your move, call the masters."
    After moving out of the White House, Obama is expected to move his family into the Kalorama neighborhood of Washington D.C. Ivanka Trump, and her husband Jared, recently purchased a home in the same neighborhood, putting the new first family just two blocks away from where the Obama family is expected to live.
    President-elect Trump will be inaugurated Jan. 20. That morning, movers will scramble to move out the belongings of the outgoing-president while moving in those of the newly-inaugurated president into the residence.
    "It's more like organized chaos," former White House chief usher Stephen Rochon said. "We have one truck on the south lawn that belongs to the outgoing president and first family facing south, and the incoming truck facing north toward the White House on the east side of the south grounds."
    Interacting Investor
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    Moving truck spotted outside White House - PRAISE THE LORD, IT'S ABOUT OVER Empty Re: Moving truck spotted outside White House - PRAISE THE LORD, IT'S ABOUT OVER

    Post by fonz1951 Wed 04 Jan 2017, 9:22 pm

    i visited d.c. last week and before i left, i rented the biggest u-haul i could find and left it at the white house, maybe that's it.
    All In Investor
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    Moving truck spotted outside White House - PRAISE THE LORD, IT'S ABOUT OVER Empty Re: Moving truck spotted outside White House - PRAISE THE LORD, IT'S ABOUT OVER

    Post by ahill Thu 05 Jan 2017, 12:18 am


    Too cute! lol!

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    Moving truck spotted outside White House - PRAISE THE LORD, IT'S ABOUT OVER Empty Re: Moving truck spotted outside White House - PRAISE THE LORD, IT'S ABOUT OVER

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