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    Islamic banking is discussing with the Association of Banks joint venture bank lending fund

    Admin Assist
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    Islamic banking is discussing with the Association of Banks joint venture bank lending fund Empty Islamic banking is discussing with the Association of Banks joint venture bank lending fund

    Post by Rocky Sun 12 Feb 2017, 7:01 am

    Islamic banking is discussing with the Association of Banks joint venture bank lending fund

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    Economy News / special ...

    Held Sunday afternoon, a meeting to discuss the project of establishing a joint bank lending fund, the Association of Iraqi banks own the building in the presence of Mr. Walid Idi adviser to the CBI and professor Samir Alnasiri Private Bankers Association adviser.
    He said during the meeting, consultant and member of the Board of the Central Bank Mr. Walid Idi, on the need to speed up the project of lending to small and medium projects and expressed dismay at the lack of seriousness of some banks as the number of operating banks amounted project lending to small and medium enterprises 11 Bank of the total operating banks in Iraq and which has a number 62 bank.
    He said Idi, it's to activate de Islamic banks for its contribution to the Fund in accordance with the requirements and instructions of the work of Islamic banking and in conformity with the Islamic Banking Act.
     He noted Ali al-Husseini Bankers Association adviser that he does not have a full understanding on the establishment of joint bank lending fund the project at some banks, and how to finance banks for development projects (commercial and Islamic) so we suggest the establishment of a joint stock company and the participation of banks in the capital, and highlighted the importance of establishing a commercial Fund, an Islamist .
    While noting Association adviser Samir Nasiri, that the most important fundamentals of economic development is to build a project with returns Malle be beneficial to the national economy, and suggested Alnasiri, that there will be an expanded meeting by the heads of boards of directors of banks to discuss him fund or establish a joint stock company by the Central Bank .
    For his part, representative of the South Islamic Bank, Dr. Ahmed Zaki, said that Islamic banks seeking to set up a fund Islamist Ahoshrkh contribution to support strategic projects and is under CBI supervision and financial control, and private banks and be appointed director of personal fund independent and not necessarily of workers contributing banks.
    He said Ahmed al-Hashimi, director administration and training of the Association of banks, that is important from this fund that there is a real strategic projects as well as winning projects and not losing as today there are many projects in the government sector is considered a losing companies must therefore be that the project be a winner and sustainability of the project and to persuade banks to contribute to the project so we must put a real study of the project, and said he should take advantage of international experiences there are major projects undertaken by the private sector and generate profitable projects beneficial to banks and the community.

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