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    Calls to overcome differences and warning prejudice to the popular crowd

    Admin Assist
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    Calls to overcome differences and warning prejudice to the popular crowd Empty Calls to overcome differences and warning prejudice to the popular crowd

    Post by Rocky Sun 02 Apr 2017, 2:55 am

    Calls to overcome differences and warning prejudice to the popular crowd

    04/02/2017 0:00

    Baghdad / morning
    President Fuad Masum , urged the political forces on the need to overcome the problems and misunderstandings and progress of state - building on the foundations of democracy, while the face of Prime Minister Haider Abadi , a stern warning from any external attempt or internal prejudice to the Iraqi forces and the crowd popular and detract from them. While called House Speaker Salim al - Jubouri do not hesitate and start the project «genuine national reconciliation», head of the Iraqi National Alliance , Mr. Ammar al - Hakim pointed to the need for a political contract and a new social within the framework of the Iraqi constitution , the next stage in order to go beyond the dangerous stages. Evoke national values and said infallible, during his speech in the central ceremonial day of the Iraqi martyr anniversary of the departure of a martyr mihrab: «restore the memory of the testimony of Mr. Mohammed Baqir al - Hakim and Abdul Aziz al - Hakim , who vow themselves for the unity of Iraqis in a democratic federal State Fair, is how men bring in the consciences of their people in most poignant pages of history through successors of the biography of a good effect and cherished by all ». He added infallible «in these bright and honorable history of our people and our country stage and fighting the midst of the fiercest battle for our dignity as Iraqis and thereby helping to stabilize the region and the world from the evils of terrorism and its challenges, we evoke national values and brotherhood among Iraqis of different sects and sects». President of the Republic stressed that «must unite the situation and endeavor among different people sons to defend their country and their experience of democracy», adding that « the victories of the armed forces in the battle Z Daesh, was impressive and a source of pride for all tournaments and men have provided an atmosphere of victory and progress in the war on Daesh best conditions for the unity of the people and this is what gives a clear message to all political forces to overcome a lot of misunderstanding and some aspects of the problems of strained relations, progress together in a spiritual home responsibility in building the state on the basis of democracy and the principles of citizenship in which everyone finds his voice and representation equal. » He stressed the infallible need «investment to develop relations with the countries of the world , especially the Arab countries to achieve the aspirations», explaining «Perhaps what is worthy of consideration by all of us leaders and institutions is to promote victory over terrorism and other victories no less important on the political, economic, service and legislative levels that can be put us on some practical solutions and head - serious pursuit of community reconciliation. Unity secret of our strength in turn, said Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi, in his way , which was attended as well as the three presidencies of senior leaders and a crowd of Iraqi officials and representatives of foreign missions: The «Aldaashah fragmentation slaughtered our children in Mosul, Iraq , and all parts of the ground to take civilians as human shields in order to aimed on the heroic forces that are supervised all of them and their followers and supporters », pointing out that we« can not allow them to return again, and to the first box and point zero ». Abadi added that «Iraq has achieved victories efforts of our people and the unity that is the secret of our strength», adding that «our security forces are besieging Aldoaash on the right side of the connector and we will win them». He pointed out the prime minister that «some are trying to steal the joy», refusing to «use the crowd and his heroes for political things and we must protect it from the hands of the deformation that his reputation, and the hand that detract from the mobilized will be cut off because they volunteered to defend Iraq and its people and the advisory opinion of the religious authority of His Eminence , Sayyed Ali Sistani ». The Abadi for «regret in order to move some Insona fragmentation by the slaughter through the Nile of our heroes in the armed forces and return to point zero», saying «we will not allow the return of people to enter the instigators Daesh and fled , and dwelt hotels». He continued Abadi «We are strong and dear ones our children and the majority of the population in the areas where she was raped Daesh with us and there are a few exuding with each region disabuse to the whereabouts of Aldoaash», pointing out that « the enemy militarily broken and can not cope with the determination of our heroes and we will win and build an Iraq for his children». On the financial crisis, the Prime Minister «thanks to the citizens who are patient because they know the size of this crisis , but we left behind the steadfastness of our people did not lead to the collapse of the dinar does not get a big inflation of prices and today there are countries solved by economic disasters , the collapse of their currencies and rising prices often». And on the anniversary of the martyrdom of al - Hakim, al - Abadi said: «On this day , Iraq has lost a prominent figure sacrificed for him, and I wanted to takfiris and the remnants of the Baath to spread murder again, injustice, tyranny and the seizure of wealth as they did previously and have squandered the wealth of Iraq and destroyed its infrastructure and wreaked flattened havoc», indicating that « the victories that we achieve today is the blood of these martyrs, including the martyr al - Hakim and convoys after him, and a perception that stop the march of the killings and slaughter, but we face today the secret of our strength of this unit , which met by the Iraqis to confront terrorism Aldaasha and fragmentation that wreaked flattened havoc ». Our goal of human liberation in the meantime, the House of Representatives Speaker Salim al - Jubouri said during his speech Balahtphalah, that «Iraq has provided testimony to a practical approach where Iraqis have sacrificed their lives for the future of their country and their history and their present and future», adding that « the war against Daesh was the scene the most dangerous and most important of world experiences through human history ». Jubouri said that «Iraqis face terrorism final Balsolh, while incurring enemy losses after another , despite turning the battle in Ayman Mosul to the nature of the streets of the war may be more sensitive and difficult», pointing out that «more than our ability to continue the battle to reach the goal sought is the liberation of man , which entails preserving the lives of Iraqis through backfill considering security and military tactics and procedures, and we must not waver in that Valaruah the most precious of times, efforts and money. » Jubouri said « it became necessary and the fulfillment of the blood of the martyrs to start a project of genuine national reconciliation and leave behind all doubts and hesitation , and we are confident we will be able all to pass the stage with minimal losses», stressing that «it 's time the real movement towards the completion of the real measures relating to the historic settlement that preceded procedures confidence - building included respect for each other and not to pre - requirement or selective exceptions to this party or the party or the person ». The resolution of judicial files on a related, called on the President of the National Alliance , Mr. Ammar al - Hakim, the judiciary to «consider all of the files in question in front of him full neutrality and away from political pressure», stressing that « the importance of resolving those files». He added Hakim «should open the way for the return of some of the characters that have not committed a crime or a violation of the law and is wary of prosecution without charge». He warned of the «declaration of early victory, because the war on the people and the country is not yet over and this war ends , but we finished our problems on the enemy barmen growth and our differences Tqatatna», stressing the need for « an end to the internal political problems». The head of the National Alliance , we are «We believe that Iraq will remain at the forefront of which is the most important events on the road to the station communication between civilizations, and will remain international and regional influences , but it is our duty to address them».

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