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    Hakim block: the majority of al-Maliki does not serve Iraq

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Hakim block: the majority of al-Maliki does not serve Iraq Empty Hakim block: the majority of al-Maliki does not serve Iraq

    Post by Rocky Tue 11 Apr 2017, 4:00 am

    Hakim block: the majority of al-Maliki does not serve Iraq

    April 10 .2017 - 18:42 | Number of Views: 1028

    Sommer News: Baghdad .. promised citizen parliamentary bloc, on Monday, a majority talking about president of a coalition of state law, Nuri al-Maliki that it does not serve Iraq and caused political crises and problems in the country.

    The MP said Salim Shawki bloc in a press statement that "the president of the Supreme Council Ammar al-Hakim asked to form a national partnership government Baglbaah cross-sectarian components and reverse the political majority that talk about some of the political blocs."

    "The majority talked about the wise differ from the majority of al-Maliki," pointing out that "the last majority do not serve Iraq and cause crises and political problems in the country," adding that "the national majority, including all components and minorities in Iraq to participate in the next government, reverse the political majority that make up of a component or a specific Awaitlav block to manage the government. "

    The head of the National Alliance Ammar al-Hakim last week, called for a change to the state management of the partnership approach to the majority, warning of the lack of the ability of Iraqis to preserve the unity of the country in the absence of mutual concessions.

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