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    17 discovery of the mummy inside the catacombs in Egypt

    Admin Assist
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    17 discovery of the mummy inside the catacombs in Egypt Empty 17 discovery of the mummy inside the catacombs in Egypt

    Post by Rocky Sun 14 May 2017, 3:23 am

    17 discovery of the mummy inside the catacombs in Egypt

    BAGHDAD (Reuters) -

    Egyptian archaeologists have discovered 17 mummies discovered in the vaults in the province of Minya, south of Cairo, the authorities announced Antiquities, Saturday.

    Salah said Kholi head of the team responsible for this recorded in the mountain area in the TUNA province of Minya discovery at a news conference: "We have found the vaults contain a number of mummies."
    The record of this discovery in the area "just mountain" desert west of the province of Minya, knowing that the first discoveries in the region dates back to 1931.

    He said Kholi at the conference, which was held in a giant tent in the vicinity of the discovery site: "This is the first human figures cemetery in central Egypt, with this number of mummies, a promise that there is a large cemetery behind it."

    According Kholi, the cemetery had been dug up "old or newly. The thieves were able to access them. "
    And oversaw the discovery team of researchers at the University of Cairo.

    The university president said Jaber Al-Nassar: "We will continue to finance archaeological discoveries and strengthened in the mountain until just turn it important archaeological center on the map of tourism in Egypt."

      Current date/time is Wed 11 Sep 2024, 1:32 am