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    Nassif: the vote on the Convention on the Regulation of navigation in Khor Abdullah is a gift withou

    Admin Assist
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    Nassif: the vote on the Convention on the Regulation of navigation in Khor Abdullah is a gift withou Empty Nassif: the vote on the Convention on the Regulation of navigation in Khor Abdullah is a gift withou

    Post by Rocky Sat 24 Aug 2013, 7:58 am

    Nassif: the vote on the Convention on the Regulation of navigation in Khor Abdullah is a gift without charge

    Baghdad - and babysit - confirmed the MP for the coalition, the Iraqi Free high Nassif that the insistence of the Presidency of the Council of Representatives to vote on the Convention on the Regulation of navigation in Khor Abdullah is a gift without charge was introduced to Kuwait.

    She said Nassif in a statement received news agency public opinion (and babysit) a copy of "The presidency of the parliament insisted oddly to vote on the Convention on the Regulation of navigation in Khor Abdullah, despite collecting signatures of more than 80 deputies demanding migrating, and eventually was passed agreement to be a gift offered the presidency of parliament to neighboring Kuwait compared تجويعها for the Iraqi people for the duration of the economic blockade and destruction of the infrastructure in Iraq in 2003. "

    "The Passing of the Convention is added to a series of gains obtained by Kuwait from Iraq illegally and at the expense of the Iraqi people, Khsolha on large parts of the village of Umm Qasr along the 10 kilometers in the wild side, and the Iraqi oil fields obtained previously." P / h
    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
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    Nassif: the vote on the Convention on the Regulation of navigation in Khor Abdullah is a gift withou Empty Re: Nassif: the vote on the Convention on the Regulation of navigation in Khor Abdullah is a gift withou

    Post by Rocky Sat 24 Aug 2013, 8:03 am

    Convention on the Regulation navigation application with Kuwait next month

    24/08/2013 12:00 AM

    Baghdad morning
    science "Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network," that next month will see the application of the regulation of navigation in the Khawr Abd Allah between Iraq and Kuwait. The House of Representatives had voted at the meeting of the 14 yesterday to approve the agreement, despite objections from a number of MPs.
    announced Informed sources, that the application of the Convention will return great benefit to Iraq, contrary to what some declared, stressing that the administration will be shared between the two sides after it was the preserve of the State of Kuwait. According to, a statement issued by the information department of the House of Representatives received "morning," a copy of it, the session yesterday, which saw the presence of 242 deputies, saw the vote of the Council on the draft law on ratification of the Convention between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the State of Kuwait on the organization of maritime navigation in the Khawr Abd Allah and submitted of the Committees on Foreign Relations and the legal order to regulate navigation in the Khawr Abd Allah through the formation of a joint committee to activate and implement the provisions of the Convention and the development of joint plans for maritime safety in the Khawr Abd Allah and other issues of navigational and environmental and strengthen the bilateral relationship between the two countries, and respect the right of traffic maritime headquarters in charters and international agreements.
    session was had begun to take the speaker decided to postpone the vote on the candidates of the Federal service and sponsored by the Legal Committee in order to give legal committee adequate opportunity to study the curriculum vitae of the candidates and the balance to submit to a vote at a meeting next Monday to be preceded by a meeting between the leaders of the blocks and the relevant committee to reach a consensus on the vote on the names. and completed the Council yesterday to discuss a proposed law amending the election law, the House of Representatives No. 16 of 2005 and the report of the Legal Committee.
    extensive details Science »Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network», said that next month will see the application of the regulation of navigation in Khor Abdullah between Iraq and Kuwait. The House of Representatives had voted at the meeting of the 14 yesterday to approve the agreement, despite objections from a number of MPs. confirmed the informed sources, that the application of the Convention will return great benefit to Iraq, contrary to what declared another, asserting that the administration will be shared between the two sides after it was the preserve of the State of Kuwait. According to, a statement issued by the information department of the House of Representatives received »Sabah» copy of it, the session yesterday, which saw the presence of 242 deputies, saw the vote of the Council on the draft law on ratification of the Convention between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the State of Kuwait on the organization of maritime navigation in the Khawr Abd Allah and submitted by the Committees on Foreign Relations and the legal order to regulate navigation in the Khawr Abd Allah through the formation of a joint committee to activate and implement the provisions of the Convention and the development of joint plans for maritime safety in the Khawr Abd Allah and other issues of navigational and environmental and strengthen the bilateral relationship between the two countries, and respect the right of traffic maritime headquarters in conventions and international agreements. was the meeting had begun to take the speaker decided to postpone the vote on the candidates of the Federal service and sponsored by the Legal Committee in order to give legal committee adequate opportunity to study the curriculum vitae of the candidates and the balance to be submitted to a vote in Monday's session next to be preceded by a meeting between the leaders of the blocks and the relevant committee to reach a consensus on the vote on the names. and the Council resumed discussion of the proposed law amending the election law, the House of Representatives No. 16 of 2005 and the report of the Legal Committee, as proposed by Rep. Magda Tamimi allocation of seats to slide Faili Kurds to election law similar to other components. said MP Hamid Buffy the need to include the law call on the government to conduct general census of population before the elections. drew MP Bahaa al-Araji, the need to put more of a say in the election law to allow MPs to vote on the option unacceptable, calling for setting up a mechanism certain about counting and be vote military and civilian personnel at one time. part, suggested MP Hanan al that the number of candidates as the number of the souls of the circle to avoid the case of wastage of public money required to remain number of members of the House of Representatives on its current status unchanged until a census. called MP Sabah al-Saadi to speed up the vote on the law to its importance for the Iraqi people and the democratic process, stressing the importance of the adoption of the open-list elections. and MP Baqer al-Zubaidi, the postponement of the elections of the powers of the House of Representatives, pointing to submit a paper on proposed amendments to the draft law to the Legal Committee. as MP Ahmed Abbasi adoption of the open-list system that contributes to respect the will of the voter and not to give their votes to those who do not deserve. noted MP Mahma Khalil need to develop a timeframe for elections to reduce the modern debate about postponing the elections and the protection of minority rights in the law. also questioned the Attorney Aboud Issawi More the criteria used in determining the richness of the candidate and the party determined by demanding enactment of a law of parties. part, MP Kanna to abolish the requirement for a candidate with a degree in order to allow him to run in the elections. suggested MP Ihsan al-Awadi, the need for the draft law includes a provision for abandonment of a candidate for election his nationality second. drew MP Qassem al-Araji, the need to separate the voting public and private sectors for busy security forces in the electoral process urging on electronic voting. stressed MP Abdul Khader Tahir on the importance of voter registration update early, demanding that the electoral propaganda uniform for all candidates. Wade MP Mahmoud Othman make Iraq a single constituency to achieve justice, stressing the importance of conducting a census and the enactment of the parties. In response to the interventions confirmed the Legal Committee and the existence of an agreement on the inclusion of most of the materials of contention in the law with several options, pointing out that all the interventions of Representatives will be introduced for the purpose of fueling the bill. For his part, stressed Najafi said a vote on the bill will be between 3 to 9 next September, pointing to the need not to delay voting on it. then the Council voted on a bill of forensic medicine and the report of the Committee on Health and the environment due to the importance of forensic medicine and to develop and support so as to ensure coverage his duties to the fullest and to raise the efficiency of its employees and giving them benefits that are commensurate with the gravity of their work and attract people with medical professionals and health and technical which to work. as Council ended the first reading of the proposed law on third amendment to the Law University Service No. 23 of 2008 and the report of the Commission on Higher Education, which comes in appreciation of the cadres of scientific in our country and in order to provide every opportunity to support bracket faculty members and to address the issue of retirement, particularly in line with the real need for workers in educational institutions. On the other hand the Council discussed the issue of Syrian refugees At the outset of the debate said Rep. Ashwaq dry the applicant that there are far too many Syrian refugees amounted to more than 30 thousand in four days, pointing to the importance of cooperation between the province and the government. demanded Rep. dry commissioned by the Human Rights Commission by the needs of the refugees and the allocation of the Council for a sum of money for the relief of refugees as well as to approach the United Nations to extend a helping hand and the need to provide the federal government for financial assistance from the budget emergency. urged MP Hassan Yassiri the House of Representatives to visit the refugee camps Syrians calling on the government to provide them with assistance. For his part, noted Deputy Governor Zamili need for attention to Iraqi refugees returning from Syria. called Rep. reproach league to provide more financial aid for the relief of Syrian refugees and entrusting the efforts of the province., in turn, said Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs purity of net debt that the issue of Syrian refugees have received great interest in the discussions of the Council of Ministers, as it has been allocated $ 15 billion for the relief of refugees. part, face Najafi, the formation of a parliamentary committee a private follow-up the issue of Syrian refugees that are voted on at a future meeting. Regarding the last speaker of the House of Representatives Committee on Security and Defense to expedite submit a detailed report on the escape of prisoners from the prisons of Abu Ghraib and Taji in order to discuss the report at a meeting devoted to this purpose, referring to his conduct deliberations with Nuri al-Maliki, the prime minister over violations took place in the Baghdad belt areas, which the prime minister promised to remedy, confirming its intention to send a message to the prime minister and the ministers of defense and interior for the purpose Tadhaifam in the House of Representatives to explain what is going on from the situation.

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