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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Nassif: evidence that the Convention on the Khor Abdullah has nothing to do with the decision concer

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    Nassif: evidence that the Convention on the Khor Abdullah has nothing to do with the decision concer Empty Nassif: evidence that the Convention on the Khor Abdullah has nothing to do with the decision concer

    Post by Rocky Fri 20 Sep 2013, 8:04 am

    Nassif: evidence that the Convention on the Khor Abdullah has nothing to do with the decision concerning the demarcation of the border

    08:21:20 / 09/2013

    Khandan - revealed an MP for the coalition, the Iraqi Free high Nassif about the existence of evidence to suggest that the Convention on the Regulation navigation channel in the Khawr Abd Allah unrelated to Security Council resolution 833 on the demarcation of the border between Iraq and Kuwait. said Nassif in a statement received "Khandan" a copy of it,: " that among the evidence, that the Ministry of Transportation Kuwait held an agreement with a British firm to conduct a survey Hidograve maritime boundary Kuwait, including the Khawr Abd Allah channel, and claimed to have acted without prejudice to international agreements, and this act shows us clearly that Kuwait if it were based on scanned الهيدوغرافي agreements International and Resolution No. 833 on the demarcation of the border of what she claimed to have acted without prejudice to international conventions. " said Nassif: "The Kuwait addressed the Iraqi Foreign Ministry on its agreement with the British company, and external addressed the Ministry of Defence, which in turn addressed the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, came Secretariat's response, dated 2 / 9/2010 it (custody of the agreement Kuwait with the British company to conduct a survey hydrographic for its maritime boundary includes channel Khawr Abd Allah). " She explained: "All of these procedures and correspondence confirms to us that the channel Khawr Abd Allah unrelated to international resolutions and the topics discussed by the Joint Committee , because this channel if they are covered by international resolutions as needed Kuwait to obtaining permission from Iraq to conduct a survey hydrographic, and when he said that this survey ايخل international agreements, and when he impounded the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers on this survey. " She continued: "As we must note here that the agreement between Kuwait and the British company on the inclusion of Khawr Abd Allah channel scanning is in itself is a violation of a legal, and we ask the Iraqi Ministry of Transport: Is the search of this agreement in the ministry at the time? ". said Nassif: "The Council of Ministers issued Resolution No. 47 for the year 2013 which gave whereby (leave subsequent to the authorization and the Minister of Transport to negotiate and sign the Convention on the Regulation of navigation in the Khawr Abd Allah), giving leave authorization to sign the Convention assures us also that the Khor Abdullah is not covered by international resolutions, if the channel Khor Abdullah covered by international resolutions, what's proposal to negotiate before the signing of the Convention? has already been to the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs that the international resolutions already implemented without negotiation, and based on all that we find that the Convention on the Regulation of navigation in Khor Abdullah was based on the desire of the government and not based on international resolutions. "

      Current date/time is Mon 20 Jan 2025, 11:42 pm