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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Iraq condemns terrorist attacks on Saudi Arabia and confirms its solidarity with them

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Iraq condemns terrorist attacks on Saudi Arabia and confirms its solidarity with them Empty Iraq condemns terrorist attacks on Saudi Arabia and confirms its solidarity with them

    Post by Rocky Sat 24 Jun 2017, 4:01 am

    Iraq condemns terrorist attacks on Saudi Arabia and confirms its solidarity with them

    Political scene Saturday June 24 2017

    Foreign Ministry announced on Saturday its condemnation and denunciation of the terrorist attacks on Saudi Arabia, stressing solidarity with the general terrorist groups last.

    The official spokesman for the ministry, Ahmad Jamal, in a statement, received by the "Sky Press," said that "the Iraqi Foreign Ministry expresses its condemnation and denunciation of the terrorist operation that targeted the Haram al-Sharif," stressing "Iraq's solidarity with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in general terrorist groups targeting internal security and stability. "

    He added, "These attempts show the amount of intellectual and ideological deviation of the bands espousing the approach of terrorism and the atonement, which drove her to the attempted attack on the holiest houses of God during the holy month of Ramadan, which requires greater efforts to eliminate the sources of support, financing and incubators of intellectual espousing the rhetoric."

    The Saudi Interior Ministry, announced Friday that the security forces succeeded in thwarting a terrorist plot was aimed at Holy Mosque in Mecca, and the arrest of five other members of the group stationed in three sites in Mecca and Jeddah, with the dawn of the sixth himself, leaving 11 injured people, including five security men .

      Current date/time is Sat 14 Sep 2024, 6:47 am