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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    A political day

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    A political day Empty A political day

    Post by Rocky Thu 27 Jul 2017, 2:52 am

    A political day

    We have effective laws against false propaganda promoters
    The chairman of the parliamentary security and defense committee, Zamili, revealed the existence of laws that deter everyone who publishes rumors or false propaganda. He pointed out that the penalties range from the extent of the damage caused by the rumor. "The penalties range from the extent of the damage caused by the rumor." Al-Zamili added that "there is ignorance by citizens and institutions to activate these laws by not complaining to the judicial authorities or Competent, "noting that" the parliament has a law The crimes of informatics and the development of general frameworks and expanded crimes that occur through publishing sites.

    Divisions within the blocks political maneuvers
    MP MP of the coalition of Iraqi forces, Mohamed Nuri al-Abed Rabbo, to be divisions within the large blocs just "
    A political maneuver. "Abed Rabbo said that" every large political bloc began internal movement to split into two parts or more before the elections, but in the end will be in one pudding after the election. "He added that" this situation may be a political game or maneuver and touched all political parties even In the coalition of Iraqi forces through the establishment of blocks of new parties under different headings in the same faces, "pointing out that" the blocks see that the descent to the elections with the same name and the previous form may not lead to achieve the desired results. "

    We will return the law of freedom of expression to the government
    revealed a member of the Committee Parliamentary culture Haider Mawla, the existence of crown The Committee has to return the draft law on the freedom of expression and peaceful demonstration to the government. "The law of freedom of expression and peaceful demonstration is one of the important laws that are linked to a human right under international law and the constitution, "Noting that" the draft law has undergone many amendments over the previous period and therefore it is possible that the law back to the government to amend it and reformulate it properly. "He added that" the bill is still in the corridors of the relevant committees and there are discussions on it has not been agreed, From time to time at the request of parliamentary committees. "

    Prosecutors and impartiality did not follow the officials responsible for
    carrying the MP for the rule of law, Nahla al-Habbabi, the Public Prosecution and the Integrity Commission responsible for not accounting for corrupt persons after being isolated in the House of Representatives.
    "The House of Representatives and during its legislative session referred the Minister of Finance Hoshyar Zebari after his dismissal to the Integrity and Prosecution Commission, as well as former Defense Minister Khaled Obeidi and the head of the media and communications Safa Eddin Rabi and members of the Electoral Commission and others, but the public prosecutor did not take any position on them.
    "The public prosecution and the Integrity Commission bear full responsibility for the loss of public funds and not to hold corrupt officials accountable," she said.

    We are calling for the formation of a women's body instead of the abolished ministry.
    A member of the parliamentary women's committee, Rizan Sheikh Delir, called for the establishment of an independent supreme body to replace the Ministry of Women's Affairs, which was abolished two years ago. And the restrictions and requirements of religious parties that hinder their movement, "noting that" successful societies were based on activating the role of women in all areas within the absolute equality. "She added that Sheikh Diller said that"

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