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    The report of the Office of Financial Supervision (7)

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    The report of the Office of Financial Supervision (7)  Empty The report of the Office of Financial Supervision (7)

    Post by Rocky Sun 23 Dec 2012, 12:26 pm

    The report of the Office of Financial Supervision (7)

    23-12-2012 |
    (Voice of Iraq) - Baghdad / term

    * 2008؟ * How do you eat border guards in 2010 fruit bought in 2008?
    I got the "long" the full text of the report of the Office of Financial Supervision in 2011, which will be presented to the reader countless surprises through the rings. وال The Bureau of the oldest institutions of the Iraqi state which distributes copies limited each winter for its annual report on fiscal spending witnessed all government departments during the previous year. In this report, a unique advantages, the first being that it reveals information level disaster Diary state departments all, a show into the open for the first once being displayed legal language and professional audit and review meet and comparisons include previous years. second advantage that he did not issue against the ruling party, or against another block, but his books crew staff and find wide acceptance, and respected by the Prime Minister himself. The third advantage is that the BSA can through his powers of that up is documented to most of the information can not reporting accessible with this access right to him in a democratic system, but is deprived of access to this information to Parliament. Said the annual report to the Cabinet and also will notice Reader, involves substantial explicitly, it serves as a senior Iraqi recognition of the absence of the state in the terrifying details led us to these poor conditions. The state, through this report, acknowledges that within large areas of "non-state", and these spaces begin serious circles as a Council of Ministers, and does not end when the smallest village, as seen Followers of these episodes.
    We will discover in turn that we have the full story of the Iraqi state in 2011, or "The Story of non-state in Iraq," if you like.
    C - banks
    First - general observations
    I got (range) the full text of the report of the Office of Financial Supervision in 2011, which will be presented to the reader countless surprises through the rings. And the Office of the oldest institutions of the Iraqi state, a limited distribute copies each winter to its annual report on fiscal spending witnessed in all government departments during the previous year. In this report, the Group has unique advantages, the first being that it reveals information disaster level of government departments all diary, which appears to the public for the first time and is being presented in a language professional legal and audit and review meet and comparisons include previous years. The second advantage that he did not issue against the ruling party, or against another block, but his books crew staff and find wide acceptance, and respected by the Prime Minister himself. The third advantage is that the BSA can over his powers to arrive to most of the information documented by the media can not be accessed with this right of access to him in a democratic system, but is deprived of access to this information to Parliament. The annual report to the Cabinet and also reader will notice, expressly involves large, it serves as a senior Iraqi recognition of the absence of the state in terrifying details led us to these poor conditions. إن الدولة عبر هذا The state, through this report, recognizes that inside large areas of "non-state", and these spaces begin Circuits serious such as the Council of Ministers, does not end when the smallest village, as seen Followers of these episodes. We will discover successively we have a part serious story of the Iraqi state in 2011 , or "the story of non-state in Iraq," if you like.
    (1) (1) achieved most branches of the Rafidain and Rasheed loss in its note that it continued from previous years.
    (2) (2) does not have some bank employees who have been granted housing loans of the property providing support (Picture under the property) Despite the end of the specified period.
    (3) under the debt account late payment amounts suspended did not take appropriate action thereon.
    (4) the presence of domestic transfers Mptaah ago the legal limit some of them back to the previous years are still suspended in the records has not been settled.
    (5) the continued existence of current accounts and savings accounts is moving from previous years.
    II - Observations
    (1) 2009 و2010 (1) the financial statements for the Rafidain and Rasheed for the years 2009 and 2010
    2010 (4/3/21/3117 و4/3/23/5630) في 3/3/201 و18/4/2011 :- The financial statements have been re-Rafidain and Rasheed for the year 2010 under a written numbered Diwan (4/3/21/3117 and 4/3/23/5630) 3/3/201 and 18/4/2011 respectively and for the following reasons: -
    Lack of financial data
    (A) the failure of the Rafidain Bank calculates the necessary customizations to face the possibility of the failure of the Bank of Basra to pay the balance of his account overdraft with the Rafidain Bank in the amount of (355) billion dinars (three hundred and fifty-five billion dinars).
    (B) the failure of the Rasheed Bank to address the reservations contained in our report on the financial statements for the year 2008 and related بتبويب proportion (40%) of the differences currency revaluation of 2004 to calculate the revenues of previous years and not counting provision for doubtful debts for interest calculated for Alodiatan the Commercial Bank Kuwait and the International Commercial Bank of Credit.
    (C) there are many shortcomings in the requirements of the financial statements of the Rasheed Bank for the year 2010.
    Were notified and the Ministry of Finance of the observations above under SAI book No. (4/3/21/2518) 18.08.2011.
    (2) inspection visits to the Rafidain and Rasheed
    Government loans do not pay
    (أ) (A)
    Through inspection visits to the branches of the Rafidain Bank noted the lack of adequate documentation of loans granted, in addition to the weakness of the follow-up action in the collection of loans, which require to take the necessary action on it.
    (ب) (B)
    Based on the request of the Ministry of Finance to the General Administration of Rasheed Bank has been granting loans to companies and the Ministry of Construction and Housing reached (112,896) million dinars (one hundred and twelve billion and eight hundred and ninety six million dinars) to bear the Ministry of Finance the amount of interest note that the date of payment was in 1/1/2011 where companies did not pay the loans did not the Ministry of Finance to pay the amount of interest, in addition to granting loans of $ (170) billion dinars (one hundred and seventy billion dinars) to the bank mortgage interest rate (4%) and is not paid by the Ministry of Finance.
    (ج) (C)
    There is a difference of $ (215) million dinars (two hundred and fifteen million) between account balance predecessor employees of the State of the Rafidain Bank / Branch Mustansir and deep in the public record (6987) million dinars (six billion nine hundred and seven and eighty million) than in the detection calculator reaching Balance (6772) million dinars (six billion seven hundred and seventy-two million) as at 01.16.2011, which requires an investigation into it and matching the account between the calculator and the general ledger and records and calculating the provision for doubtful debts to face the prospects of non-payment and to intensify efforts in follow up with departments borrowers for the purpose of paying premiums for his trust Mnzbém or from their sponsors.
    Financial manipulation in the Heat
    ( (D) internal transfers Alambtaah Rasheed Bank / Branch Heat
    (أولاً) (I)
    The discovery of a case rig (7) remittances and the $ (335) million (three hundred and thirty-five million) by the regulatory body operating in the Rasheed Bank branch Heat and received the report of this Court and private activities Directorate of Youth and Sports Anbar No. (9/8 / 36/6553) on 31/5/2010, has been conducting the investigation the subject by the Inspector General of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, who referred the investigative file to the Integrity Commission, as well as the assignment of each of the branch manager and employee transfers to eliminate by the Integrity Commission letter No. (4319 ) 15/8/2010 Despite obtain approval to refer the accused to the competent court in accordance with Article (315) of the Penal Code No. (11) of 1969 (as amended) on charges of embezzlement, but the defendants Mstmrtin exercise of their work in the section, which requires the withdrawal of the hand الموما to them pursuant to the provisions of Article (17) of the Act discipline of state employees and the public sector (14) for the year / 1991 (as amended).
    ((II) showed the result to examine a sample of remittances back for the year 2008 / presence of four transfers totaling Mbalghma (70) million dinars (seventy million) has an employee transfers in section reimbursed page repayments (credit side of the record remittances) without mentioning the number notice payment and branch drawee and prove a hit in cash and the presence of distortion on the sequence of shots such remittances in the record, in addition to the loss of documents daily bank for a day 23.03.2009 and dossier notices for March / 2009, according to an answer Director branch, has asked the BSA need to investigate and identify cases of manipulation Record remittances for years (2010,2009,2008,2006,2007,2005)
    (3) agricultural banks
    ( (A) loans, agricultural initiative / Main Branch
    (أولاً) (I)
    Although included books approving advances issued by the credit department number sponsors, but no documentation loans names guarantors or مستمسكاتهم probative contrary to paragraph (6 - I) of the general conditions of the lending of funds agricultural initiative issued by the credit department, which stipulates (guarantees for documenting Real Estate Loan or any personal guarantee) for the purpose of provide probative archives for sponsors, which requires the formation of a committee to review all loans to identify deficiencies to complete and abide by the terms of grant funds lending initiative.
    Bad computer systems
    ( (II)
    Inefficient system (Access) used by the branch spikes to record loans agricultural initiative where it was noted there are differences in the amount (373) million (three hundred and seventy million dinars), between balances phenomenon in loan accounts and balances trial balance, as noted reluctance of some borrowers to pay off despite exceeded Payment Date scheduled for loans in addition to the presence of amounts owed by borrowers of small farmers to branch Karbala until 26/04/2011 note that some borrowers have not paid what Bzmthm of premiums due for the bank since granting loans, which require the branch to hold the corresponding periodic loan balances under the mentioned with balances maintained accounting records and take the necessary legal action to obtain the amounts the implications owed by borrowers.
    (ب (B) Cash at banks
    The balance of account instruments and transfers (3096) million dinars (three billion and ninety six million dinars) appear in the records of the ACB as at 31/12/2010 for amounts instruments contained to the main branch owed customers foreign currency and rejected by the Central Bank for the purpose of not show Kmoukova between the balance of the general ledger and the central bank has been converted to detect corresponding to account instruments and remittances as a mediator until liquidation of those in detention, noting that the investigation is continuing with the director of the branch and responsible being (Associate), which requires rapid completion of this and take the necessary action against those responsible for it in light is reached from the results of the investigation.
    C - Safes
    First - advances and secretariats
    (1) still records Directorate Treasury Salahuddin province show many imprest accounts operational already Directorate awarded for a number of departments and companies with self-funded in the province of Nineveh after the events of 04/09/2003 the (12,182) million (twelve billion and one hundred and two and eighty million dinars), which requires taking the necessary action to settle the amount above and in coordination with the relevant departments and the Ministry of Finance.
    (2) is not installed amounts for compensation pilgrims who could not perform the Hajj for the year / 2006 as well as amounts for compensation of martyrs and injured as a result of terrorist attacks since 2005 / in the record boxes الممسوك by Treasury Baghdad, which requires the installation of those amounts in the register Deposit and recycling assets.

    Nineveh vet
    Secondly - Expenses
    are still bodies audit of the treasury Nineveh province do not pay audit former exchange all aspects and stages and thus the required attention, but begins to exercise its activity after organizing notes permission payment without scrutiny and examination of the actions taken by the departments under their control for the stages prior to the emergence of the transaction until the organization of these notes, despite that Treasury is a unit of scrutiny prior to the exchange is evident when the circles by announcing tenders and signing contracts and referral to contractors where did you treasury any role in this stage for the purpose of verifying the implementation of instructions and implementation of the budget related instructions and implementation of government contracts (1) for the year / 2008.
    (2) The Border Guard Command Region V regardless of the amount of (300) million dinars (three hundred million) during the period from (23-31/12/2008) on purchases of livelihoods and by comparing the amounts disbursed during the year / 2008 and disbursements for such purchases during the year / 2010 have been diagnosed with the following observations:
    فواكه ولحوم 2008 Fruit and meat 2008
    (أ) (A)

    All purchases and based on purchase receipts and documents of entry storage disbursed amounts during the year / 2008 or the year / 2010, took place during the month of December / 2008. But he did not know how to take advantage of the soft livelihoods (meat, fruits and vegetables) for the months of October and November / 2008 and equipping during the month of December / 2008.
    (ب) (B)
    There are differences in the prices of materials disbursed اقيامها during the year / 2008 with disbursed اقيامها prices during the year / 2010 despite the fact that the receipts of the same date of purchase.
    (ج) (C)
    Instruments has been edited for the processing of food items on behalf of the President and members of the Procurement Committee and not on behalf of the beneficiaries did not Ataad receive payments.
    (د) (D)
    Through clearance check book issued by the branch of Najaf shows there are differences in the name of the supplier in the list of tax processing for a book, which requires an investigation of the above.
    (3) the presence of distortion amounts of some memoranda of payment without permission approved by authorized in Anbar province treasury as was the use of white ink in the record to change some expenses digit amounts and without writing signed by authorized, which requires an investigation paragraphs above.
    D - General Authority for Free Zones
    Investment activity
    أولاً First
    - Low income contracts in the free zone / existing hitting (34,367) dollars (thirty-four thousand three hundred and sixty-seven dollars) for not activating decades the region of $ (34) contract and contracted since years (2001-2003) although received from coalition forces in end of the year / 2008, where the region has witnessed a campaign reconstruction and rehabilitation since receiving the light of that was presented several requests investment but he was patient to receive those requests based on the sidelines of the Finance Minister on 21/5/2009 the book Authority No (1467) in 13 / 5/2009 in addition to the closure of the border in the free zone by the Syrian side, which requires the Commission to take the necessary measures to give effect to contracts in the free zone in the existing increase revenues accruing from it.
    Millions do not pay rents
    - The total amount due for the rent unpaid by some investors (448,803) dollars (four hundred and forty-eight thousand eight hundred and three dollars) for a very 31.12.2010 incurred by fines Takhiria totaling (30,522) dollars (thirty thousand and five hundred and thirty-three dollars ) despite the issuance of the instructions eliminate the need for investors to pay obligations financial implications Bzmthm, which indicates the weakness of the follow-up investors and obtaining the delay penalties owed, and take necessary action against them.
    E - the national pension
    Authority activity
    Not complete database Fund retirement and of the ministries and departments not associated with the Ministry of binding to pay the amount of arrests pensions, which includes the contribution of circuit by (12%) and withholdings from employees and the (7%) as stated in the Unified Retirement Law No. (27) for the year / 2006 , which requires the completion of the requirements of the Fund's work and preparation instructions for the work and the organizational structure and job descriptions.
    2010،2009،2008) - Evaluating the performance of the national pension / civil section of years (2010,2009,2008)
    No activation uncles Secretariat of the Council of Ministers No. (m v / 8/1/21426) on 19/7/2009 and on the proposal of the Office of the Inspector General / Ministry of Finance, which includes the allocation of department or division in the headquarters of each ministry adopts promote treatment pensions, in addition to the development of the program adopted at the national pension is not treatment pensions so that it contains a complete database (retirement system robot) to address most of the problems that occur in the program currently in place in addition to the lack of information system is intended on the computer to save the data retirees rather than refer retired dossier in order to accelerate access to data in addition to the rapid exchange of information, which requires increasing use of computers by keeping the data for retirees in addition to archived in binders and to keep those data and the speed and ease of reference.
    Basra does not record territory
    G - the State Real Estate Service
    - Activity Directorate of Real Estate Country / Basra
    Lack of an integrated database with branch number property belonging to the Ministry of Finance until the date of the preparation of the audit report did not branch process inventory of these properties after the events of the year / 2003, but in the years 2009 / According to direct the Department of Real Estate State and what has been confined to a very 09.30.2010 may reached (4467) property is not verified by percentage to total real estate for not knowing the branch number estates, which indicates a weakness in the ingredients censorship and control, has asked the BSA to make the effort required to complete the task of limited coordination with the general status and directorates Land Registration competent in the province according to an appropriate timeframe.
    ثانياً- Secondly - agricultural land
    Not state Directorate of Real Estate / Muthanna take actions necessary for agricultural land transgressor of before Altsrfah rights to build shops and labs contrary to the purposes of custom, which requires inventory of all similar cases and take action on it.

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