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    Interesting details about the Las Vegas attack port

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    Interesting details about the Las Vegas attack port Empty Interesting details about the Las Vegas attack port

    Post by Rocky Wed Oct 11, 2017 3:34 am

    [ltr]Interesting details about the Las Vegas attack port[/ltr]

     Since 2017-10-11 at 09:47 (Baghdad time)
    [ltr]Interesting details about the Las Vegas attack port 1=1[/ltr]
    [ltr]Follow - Mawazine News[/ltr]
    [ltr]LOS ANGELES - Steven Paddock, a Texas man who has been involved in playing poker, has been plagued by intense tension, according to documents published in 2013 by CNN . 

    The report revealed new details about the 64-year-old man who killed 58 people on 1 October and injured 489 others, who committed a massacre that investigators have yet to understand . 

    Earlier this month, Paduc opened fire on crowds attending a Los Angeles-based alcantry festival, the biggest massacre in modern US history . 

    According to the latest information released by Las Vegas police chief Joseph Lombardo on Monday, the security officer who was wounded when Paduc fired at him through his door at the Mandalay Bay Hotel was actually injured at 21.59, Paduc fired on the crowd, raising questions about why the police had stopped monitoring Paduc earlier, and why he had put an end to his attack . 

    In October 2011, Paduc slipped and fell into the Cosmopolitan Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. Two years later, he sued the casino and made 97 pages of his lawyer handed over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and CNN received a copy of it . 

    Paduc said in his 2013 statement that he was in a period of time "the largest electronic poker player in the world." He is portrayed as a wealthy, stingy, and arrogant retiree who is addicted to gambling and travels among various casinos in the United States . 

    "There was no one to play as much as I was playing, and for the same extended period as me," he told his lawyer. "He was playing in 2006 at a rate of 14 hours a day, 365 days a year ." 

    "I used to play all night and sleep in the day," he said, asserting that he did not drink alcohol in front of the poker machine. "At this level of betting, you have to stay very vigilant ." 

    "He was betting between $ 100 and $ 1,350 every time, up to $ 1 million a night," he said. At that time, Paduc spent his time between California, Nevada, Texas and Florida, sometimes traveling "up to 3 weeks a month." He was staying in casinos where he was offered "95 percent of the time" as a senior player . 

    He was wearing a pair of sporty pants, and was wearing sandals. Also, he was brought with him a drink, to avoid distributing a lot of gratuities to the waitresses . 

    His trips to Las Vegas began to diverge from 2007. With the mortgage crisis that has been reflected in the gambling capital of the United States, casinos are "increasingly limiting their offerings and it is no longer feasible to come to them at the same pace ." 

    He revealed to his lawyer some details of his biography. He grew up in California and joined the San Valley neighborhood school in Los Angeles. He worked for a period in the tax department, before investing in the real estate sector . 

    In his testimony, he did not mention the subject of weapons, saying only that he had a license to take up arms in Texas, which he did not want to reveal . 

    CNN said the court had responded to Paduc's complaint against Casino Cosmopolitan[/ltr]

      Current date/time is Sun Sep 08, 2024 5:47 am