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    Customs achieve a qualitative leap in revenue

    Admin Assist
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    Customs achieve a qualitative leap in revenue Empty Customs achieve a qualitative leap in revenue

    Post by Rocky Wed 06 Dec 2017, 2:55 am

    Customs achieve a qualitative leap in revenue

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    Economy News _ Baghdad
    The General Customs Authority announced on Wednesday that its revenues for the current year will rise to 14 trillion dinars until 31/10/2017 after the revenue was estimated at 559 billion dinars last year, expected to reach revenues to trillion and 200 billion dinars by the end of this year.
    "The increase in revenues is more than double and the number achieved is the first in the history of the Authority and reflects the success of the new procedures, especially after the implementation of the law," said Munther Abdul Amir Asad Haider, Tariff in January 2016 ".
    "This revenue boom has been achieved despite the decrease in the volume of imports and the poor financial situation of the country. This is evidence of the efficiency of collection compared to last year," Haidar said, adding that "the statistics in the department of planning and follow-up in the department confirm these figures and their susceptibility to increase."
    "Among the measures that helped to increase the volume of imports start to activate the anti-corruption file and work on the principle of punishing the abuser and accounting negligence and reconsider the efficiency and distribution of workers at the level of border customs centers." 

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    Posts : 1858
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    Customs achieve a qualitative leap in revenue Empty Re: Customs achieve a qualitative leap in revenue

    Post by Proven Wed 06 Dec 2017, 5:41 am

    Border control is a key:

    The government resorted to «restrict» import movement to support local product and prevent «money laundering»

    Informed sources in the Iraqi Central Bank revealed that the government wants to control the "money laundering" through the "restriction" import movement and prevent the importation of certain goods which are made ​​locally, high salinity that the dollar exchange rate "is intended to force the merchants to promote local industry ", as pointed out that this rise" will remain until the completion of the project to delete the zeros of the local currency and the issuance of large cash categories to make the dinar strong or other currencies ", but the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives warned that the deletion process" requires big money can not be for Iraq provided in the current time.

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    Dedicated Investor
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    Customs achieve a qualitative leap in revenue Empty Re: Customs achieve a qualitative leap in revenue

    Post by merrygoround Wed 06 Dec 2017, 9:22 am

    Thanks Proven.

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