Al-Sumerian News / Baghdad 
A deputy of the coalition of state law, Friday, that the forgery of the amnesty law by adding an unspecified paragraph includes "terrorists" by "the biggest scandal in the history of Iraq ," asking to investigate the matter and reveal who added that paragraph. 

"The forgery of the amnesty law by adding an unspecified paragraph to include terrorists, is the biggest scandal in the history of Iraq," Firdous al-Awadi said in a statement received by Alsumaria News. "This scandal can not go unnoticed."

Al-Awadi called on all authorities at the legislative, judicial and executive levels to investigate the matter and reveal who added a paragraph in the law to the Iraqi fact sheet, in which terrorists who targeted the security forces and Iraqis are granted amnesty. 

"The Presidency of the Council of Representatives and the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers must clarify their position on this forgery and how this paragraph reaches the official newspaper without voting or ratified by the House of Representatives." 

"The results of the investigation should be before the Thracian people to know well and identify who has an interest in amnesty for the terrorists and the killing of the Iraqi people," she said, adding that "the House of Representatives is obliged to announce an investigative committee in this regard."

On January 8, 2018, National Alliance MP Hassan Salem revealed that the general amnesty law published in the official gazette contained an article that was not voted by the House of Representatives, and that this article would include Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and the princes of Da'ash. Collect more than 100 signatures to claim to be corrected.