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    Iraqi parties reject proposal to Trump envoy to form a government

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    Iraqi parties reject proposal to Trump envoy to form a government Empty Iraqi parties reject proposal to Trump envoy to form a government

    Post by Rocky Fri 13 Jul 2018, 2:05 am

    Iraqi parties reject proposal to Trump envoy to form a government[/size]
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     3 hours ago

    Iraqi political sources revealed on Thursday that there was a rejection by Iraqi political parties of the proposals made by the envoy of US President to Iraq, Brett McGurk. 
    According to the Russian RT station, "some political parties, including the Fath Alliance and others, rejected the proposals of McGurk, which some of them said that proposals to keep quotas and does not support the strengthening of the institutions of the Iraqi state." 
    "McGuck made a similar proposal to the Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish parties," the sources said. "The need to create a national partnership government is very early, which the Fatah and other parties considered a step to keep quotas. 
    The Russian station, quoting sources, said the rejection of the proposals would delay the formation of the government.
    The envoy of US President Brett McGurk has been continuing visits to Iraq since the start of the war on the "dais" in 2014 until today, since his visits since the announcement of victory in Mosul from military to political.

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    Iraqi parties reject proposal to Trump envoy to form a government Empty Re: Iraqi parties reject proposal to Trump envoy to form a government

    Post by weslin3 Fri 13 Jul 2018, 7:33 am

    So much for that.... no
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    Iraqi parties reject proposal to Trump envoy to form a government Empty Re: Iraqi parties reject proposal to Trump envoy to form a government

    Post by mochasmom Fri 13 Jul 2018, 8:24 am

    It has to be their way or no way

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    Iraqi parties reject proposal to Trump envoy to form a government Empty Re: Iraqi parties reject proposal to Trump envoy to form a government

    Post by Lobo Fri 13 Jul 2018, 8:51 am

    Let's wait and see what really will happen.  Abadi was at the NATO summit and met with Trump, we are not getting all the news, only what is for public consumption and remember there is a lot of fake news in every country.
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    Iraqi parties reject proposal to Trump envoy to form a government Empty Re: Iraqi parties reject proposal to Trump envoy to form a government

    Post by weslin3 Fri 13 Jul 2018, 9:35 pm

    Lobo wrote:Let's wait and see what really will happen.  Abadi was at the NATO summit and met with Trump, we are not getting all the news, only what is for public consumption and remember there is a lot of fake news in every country.
    It has been said that Maliki owns most of the news over there so this may be his fake news out. freak

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