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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Tomorrow .. Distribution of guaranteed workers' pensions for the months of July and August

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 271624
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Tomorrow .. Distribution of guaranteed workers' pensions for the months of July and August Empty Tomorrow .. Distribution of guaranteed workers' pensions for the months of July and August

    Post by Rocky Tue Jul 31, 2018 3:11 am

    Tomorrow .. Distribution of guaranteed workers' pensions for the months of July and August

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    The Department of Pensions and Social Security for workers in the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs announced that it will launch on Wednesday the salaries of secured workers and their successor to the categories (manual exchange and smart card holders) for the months of July and August next in Baghdad and the provinces.
    The director general of the Department of Retirement and Social Security for workers, Ali Jafar al-Hilo, in a statement, "Economy News", "The Department set on Wednesday, the first of August next date for the payment of salaries of workers secured for categories (manual disbursement, smart card holders) after the completion of all procedures Necessary for the distribution of salaries in coordination with the General Department of the Rafidain Bank, "calling for those who have agents exclusively to" review sections of the Department for the purpose of issuing life certificates to them in Baghdad and the provinces. "
    He added that "the insured pensioner who has a service (30) years and more receives a pension of (600) thousand dinars for two months only, while receiving a pensioner who has a service less than (30) years the amount of (540) thousand dinars."
    "The family of the deceased who has more than three eligible receive a pension of (500) thousand dinars, while receive the family who have a salary payable (480) thousand dinars, while the family of the deceased pensioner who has one receivable and receive a salary of (460) Thousand dinars".
    The Director-General called on all retired and secured workers to review the banks according to their areas of residence for the purpose of receiving their salaries, drawing with them the identity documents represented by the pension identity or smart card.

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      Current date/time is Thu Jun 06, 2024 5:48 am