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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Iraq ‘s giant economy gives Iraq a strategy to develop electricity

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Iraq ‘s giant economy gives Iraq a strategy to develop electricity Empty Iraq ‘s giant economy gives Iraq a strategy to develop electricity

    Post by Rocky Tue 11 Sep 2018, 10:41 am

    Iraq ‘s giant economy gives Iraq a strategy to develop electricity

     The US company “General Electric” delivered the Iraqi government a strategy to develop the electric power sector in the country, raising the capacity of the national system, and the operation of more manpower.
    Some provinces in southern Iraq are witnessing continuous protests because of the continued power outages in the summer, the scarcity of drinking water, poor services and widespread corruption in state institutions.
    Frederick Rivera, director of the energy sector at the American company, told Anatolia that the latter handed over to the Iraqi government the new strategy that was developed for the purpose of developing the electricity sector.
    The strategy involves doubling the production of electric power by introducing modern technology into energy projects.
    Rivera added that “the strategy that was developed also includes the development of the system of production of Iraqi energy; from production, transport and distribution, and the purpose of a final solution to the electricity crisis.”
    “The strategy also aims to invest gas associated with oil extraction operations, and to benefit from it in the supply of gas-fired power plants.”
    Iraq needs more than 23,000 megawatt hours of electricity to meet the needs of its population and institutions without interruption.
    The population’s resentment is increasing in the summer (peak season); the frequency of interruptions in the national grid of electricity rises as temperatures rise, sometimes reaching 50 degrees Celsius.

    Iraq News Source: 
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