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    Coalition of victory: Abadi is still the favorite for a new term ... Going to "Al-Zora": More than 1

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    Coalition of victory: Abadi is still the favorite for a new term ... Going to "Al-Zora": More than 1 Empty Coalition of victory: Abadi is still the favorite for a new term ... Going to "Al-Zora": More than 1

    Post by Rocky Mon 24 Sep 2018, 6:00 pm

    [size=30][ltr]Coalition of victory: Abadi is still the favorite for a new term ... Going to "Al-Zora": More than 10 candidates for the post of prime minister and terms of reference does not apply to one of them[/ltr][/size]
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    [size=13]MP from the coalition Raed Fahmi
    Al-Zawra / Yousef Salman: 
    With the validity of constitutional time to form a new cabinet, negotiations are still nominating the candidate for the presidency of the next government tops the agenda of the meetings of the political blocs that seek to complete their alliances by agreeing to choose a candidate for prime minister in accordance with the directives of religious reference. 
    The coalition bloc said that the political blocs agreed to give way to the Prime Minister in charge of the selection of new ministers in the formation of the next government. The MP for the coalition Raed Fahmy, "Zora" that "the mechanism agreed to choose the person of the next prime minister not to belong to A certain political bloc, and has the degree of independence and be an acceptable personality from a wide spectrum in which there are specifications of competence and integrity and the ability to manage a ministerial team consistent, "noting that" the new candidate will leave him the freedom to choose ministers, and also supports politically within the parliament in the implementation of the government program Adding that "there are more than ten names used to nominate for the post of prime minister, but the criteria raised by the reference does not apply to one of the candidates currently," noting that "the criteria for the selection of new ministers provides that the blocs submit their proposals for the nomination of ministers, "This comes with the confirmation of the victory coalition, that the naming of the largest bloc will be decided upon the election of the candidate for the post of President of the Republic, noting that the current Prime Minister Haider Abadi is still the best candidate for a new term. MP Nada Shaker said Jawdat said in a press statement that "the bloc of reform has become the largest bloc constitutionally and the number of its members to 195 deputies after the accession of a number of political forces to it, which includes the signatures of leaders of winning lists as stipulated by the Federal Court," adding that "negotiations with the Kurds have gone a long way However, it will be decided to join the largest bloc after the election of the President of the Republic and the selection of the new candidate for the post, "indicating that" the largest bloc was formally formed the bloc of reform and reconstruction, and is still open dialogue with other political blocs to join us. "She added that" did not "The remarks of some political parties against the second term of the slaves come within the political competition, and Abadi is still the most likely prime minister, during the next phase," she said. That "the chances of the other names of the dilapidated prime minister is very low in office, but Abadi his chances are very large."

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    Interacting Investor
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    Coalition of victory: Abadi is still the favorite for a new term ... Going to "Al-Zora": More than 1 Empty Re: Coalition of victory: Abadi is still the favorite for a new term ... Going to "Al-Zora": More than 1

    Post by weslin3 Mon 24 Sep 2018, 8:14 pm

    Abadi is still the most likely prime minister, during the next phase," she said. That "the chances of the other names of the dilapidated prime minister is very low in office, but Abadi his chances are very large."

    Abadi is back in the winning again... If this will help Iraq I hope he wins..

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