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    The Israeli army warns its Lebanese counterpart and Hezbollah: Your life is in danger

    Admin Assist
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    The Israeli army warns its Lebanese counterpart and Hezbollah: Your life is in danger Empty The Israeli army warns its Lebanese counterpart and Hezbollah: Your life is in danger

    Post by Rocky Tue 04 Dec 2018, 2:58 am

    The Israeli army warns its Lebanese counterpart and Hezbollah: Your life is in danger
    [size=11]Published: 04.12.2018 | 08:17 GMT |
    Last Updated: 04.12.2018 | 08:18 GMT |Arab World News[/size]
    The Israeli army warns its Lebanese counterpart and Hezbollah: Your life is in danger 5c062dfb95a597a6468b45b4
    Reuters Baz Ratner
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    Israeli army spokesman Avichai Adre'i warned of Hezbollah and the Lebanese army, calling for a move away from the tunnels described by the offensive, which were dug from inside Lebanese territory to Israel.

    "Approaching any" offensive path "means that" your life is at risk, excuse me from being warned, "Adrei said in a tweet on his Twitter page. 
    "The Lebanese government bears responsibility for everything that is going on inside Lebanese territory from the Blue Line to the north," Adrei said, adding that it "affects the state of Lebanon and risks Lebanese citizens."

    Voir l'image sur Twitter
    The Israeli army warns its Lebanese counterpart and Hezbollah: Your life is in danger DtjddxWX4AUvKf9?format=jpg&name=small

    The Israeli army warns its Lebanese counterpart and Hezbollah: Your life is in danger I5I0czHk_normal

    افيخاي ادرعي


    [rtl]يحذّر #جيش_الدفاع عناصر #حزب_الله وجنود #الجيش_اللبناني وينصحهم بالابتعاد عن أي مسار هجومي تم حفره من الأارضي اللبنانية الى الأراضي الإسرائيلية. حياكم بخطر. أعذر من أنذر #درع_الشمال[/rtl]

    00:58 - 4 déc. 2018

    110 personnes parlent à ce sujet

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    These statements come after the announcement of the Israeli army, this morning, the launch of the campaign "shield North" to detect and thwart tunnels said that "Hezbollah" dug into Israel.
    Source: RT

      Current date/time is Thu 23 Jan 2025, 9:06 am