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    Israel respond to Iranian shelling and hit targets for the "Quds Force"

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Israel respond to Iranian shelling and hit targets for the "Quds Force" Empty Israel respond to Iranian shelling and hit targets for the "Quds Force"

    Post by Rocky Mon 21 Jan 2019, 2:10 am

    Israel respond to Iranian shelling and hit targets for the "Quds Force"[/size]
    Israel respond to Iranian shelling and hit targets for the "Quds Force" DxaDvCuXcAAo03Q

     Twilight News    

     3 hours ago

    Shafaq News / Israeli warplanes launched raids inside Syria against military targets belonging to the Iranian Quds Force and Syrian air defense batteries.

    "The raids against the Quds Force's targets came in response to the launching of a surface-to-surface missile by an Iranian force from inside Syria, targeting the northern Golan Heights," Israeli army spokesman Avichai Adrei said Monday.

    He also said that the missile was intercepted by the Iron Dome system, pointing out that among the targeted targets is an Iranian logistic site at a Syrian army camp and an Iranian site at Damascus International Airport.

    For its part, the Russian Defense Ministry announced the killing of 4 Syrian soldiers and wounding 6 as a result of Israeli raids on Syria

    The ministry said Syrian air defenses dropped more than 30 rockets and an Israeli bomb.

    The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that the Israeli shelling near Damascus and its south resulted in 11 deaths.


      Current date/time is Fri 24 Jan 2025, 11:51 am