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    The United States sends an additional 3,750 soldiers to the border with Mexico

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    The United States sends an additional 3,750 soldiers to the border with Mexico Empty The United States sends an additional 3,750 soldiers to the border with Mexico

    Post by Rocky Mon 04 Feb 2019, 2:10 am

    The United States sends an additional 3,750 soldiers to the border with Mexico
    The United States sends an additional 3,750 soldiers to the border with Mexico Irq_122004796_1549264338
    The Pentagon announced that the United States would send an additional 3,750 troops to the border with Mexico, bringing the total number of troops actually operating in the region to 4,350.
    The troops were deployed mainly under an order issued by President Donald Trump before the mid-November elections, where convoys of migrants were making their way to the US border to seek asylum to escape violence and poverty in their country.
    But reinforcements, including military assistance to civilian border guards by providing logistical support and installing barbed-wire fences, have been criticized as a political ploy to create an illusion of an impasse.
    "The Department of Defense will deploy approximately 3,750 additional US troops to provide additional support to the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) elements on the south-western border approved by US Defense Secretary Patrick Chanahan on Jan. 11," the Pentagon said in a statement.
    The deployment of additional troops is valid for three months, bringing the total number of troops deployed on the border to 4,350, the ministry said.
    Their tasks will include "mobile surveillance capabilities until the end of September 2019, as well as the placement of approximately 150 miles of barbed wire between the entry ports."
    The announcement comes days before Feb. 15, Trump's final promise to Congress to agree to finance the construction of a border wall that has been a key pledge in his campaign.
    Trump said the existing parts of the wall should be extended along the border to stop what he called an uncontrollable invasion of criminals.
    Trump returned Sunday and highlighted the allegations. "As convoys march across Mexico toward our country, Republicans must be prepared to do whatever is necessary for strong border security," wrote the wealthy property tycoon.
    Admin Assist
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    The United States sends an additional 3,750 soldiers to the border with Mexico Empty America sends 3,750 extra troops to Mexico border

    Post by Rocky Mon 04 Feb 2019, 2:30 am

    America sends 3,750 extra troops to Mexico border

    The United States sends an additional 3,750 soldiers to the border with Mexico 220194111644795924441

    The Pentagon announced that the United States would send an additional 3,750 troops to the border with Mexico, bringing the total number of troops actually operating in the area to about 4,350. 

    The new reinforcements include the assistance of military forces to civilian border guards through logistical support and the installation of barbed wire fences. 

    The Defense Department said in a statement that "the Pentagon will deploy approximately 3,750 additional US troops to provide additional support to the members of the Customs and Border Protection Commission on the Southwest border approved by the acting US Secretary of Defense (Patrick Chanahan) on January 11.

    "The deployment of the additional soldiers is valid for three months, bringing the total number of troops deployed to the border to 4,350, which will include mobile surveillance capabilities until the end of September 2019, as well as placing approximately 150 miles of barbed wire between the entry points." 

    The announcement comes days before February 15, Trump's deadline for Congress to agree to finance the construction of a border wall, a key pledge in his campaign. 

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The United States sends an additional 3,750 soldiers to the border with Mexico Empty Pentagon increases troops on the border with Mexico six times

    Post by Rocky Mon 04 Feb 2019, 3:06 am

    Pentagon increases troops on the border with Mexico six times

    Monday 4 February

    The United States sends an additional 3,750 soldiers to the border with Mexico NB-259844-636848564495603152

    The Pentagon announced it was sending an additional 3,750 troops for 90 days to the border with Mexico to support customs and border guards operating on the southwestern part of the border. 

    "The measure will allow an increase in the total number of troops on the southern border to approximately 4,350," the ministry said. 

    This means that the number of US troops on the border with Mexico will increase by about six times.

    The Pentagon plans to deploy mobile surveillance systems, as well as barbed wire at 240 kilometers between border checkpoints, and will deploy additional units for 90 days.

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    The United States sends an additional 3,750 soldiers to the border with Mexico Empty Re: The United States sends an additional 3,750 soldiers to the border with Mexico

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