said Prime Minister Adel Abdul - Mahdi, Saturday, that the crime of genocide in Halabja was once Asuda another record of Saddam 's Baath crimes against the sons of the Kurdish people , who have suffered two things like the rest of the Iraqis who have been subjected to murder, destruction and genocide. 

"We recall today the tragedy of Halabja, where our memories of the near future bore unforgettable dreams, and deep wounds left by the barbarism of the dictatorship when it decided to attack the innocent with poisonous chemical gases, in the crime of genocide, stunned all humanity and shook the conscience of the world, It was another black day in the record of Saddam's Baath crimes against our Kurdish people, who suffered like the rest of the Iraqis who were subjected to murder, destruction and genocide. "

He added that "Halabja was and will remain a symbol of redemption and a witness to the horrors of the dictatorship, but our condolences that the Iraqi people in all its spectrum has emerged after the tragedy of Halabja, more cohesive and immune to authoritarianism, and more determined to cut the executioner." 

"The martyrs of Halabja, the nobility, the nobility, the immortality and their brethren have the patience, the pride and the solace, and to the sons of our Kurdish people, my sincere condolences on this painful anniversary and for his great sacrifices. He offered his sacrifices to mingle with the rest of Iraq's martyrs for freedom, democracy and coexistence." 

The March 16 anniversary marks the 31st anniversary of the chemical attack on the Iraqi city of Halabja, which was targeted by the former regime in 1988.