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    Coalition victory announced the adoption of "opposition calendar"

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Coalition victory announced the adoption of "opposition calendar" Empty Coalition victory announced the adoption of "opposition calendar"

    Post by Rocky Thu 13 Jun 2019, 4:45 pm

    [size=35][size=35]Coalition victory announced the adoption of "opposition calendar"[/size]
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    2019-06-13 10:41
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    [size=18]The coalition of victory led by former Prime Minister Haider Abadi, on Thursday, the adoption of the "opposition to the calendar" towards the government, while the current government headed by Adel Abdul Mahdi, "worse than the governments of quotas."

    A coalition member Ayat Muzaffar Nuri said in a statement received by Alsumaria News that "the support or opposition of the government Adel Abdul Mahdi does not relate to the share of victory and location in it, but related to its commitment to the government program and performance of its functions and national."

    Nuri indicated that "we did not participate as a coalition of victory in the government despite the offers made to us and authorized the Prime Minister to choose competent ministers away from quotas, which happened that the share of victory went to other blocs," asserting that "the current government worse than the governments of quotas, some political parties took their positions, Which controls its structure and policies, which is contrary to what was expected and hoped to form. " 

    "We are now the site of the constructive opposition of the government, the government or the total opposition of the government is linked to its ability to respond positively to the government," she said. "We have not signed a blank document, and we have opposed and will oppose the withdrawal of commitments and covenants. Reform, impartiality and efficient management of governance ".

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