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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Central Iranian: Achieving 20 billion dollars in trade with Iraq is not impossible

    Admin Assist
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    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Central Iranian: Achieving 20 billion dollars in trade with Iraq is not impossible Empty Central Iranian: Achieving 20 billion dollars in trade with Iraq is not impossible

    Post by Rocky Tue 23 Jul 2019, 1:48 am

    [size=36]Central Iranian: Achieving 20 billion dollars in trade with Iraq is not impossible[/size]

    Political | 09:32 - 23/07/2019

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    BAGHDAD - 
    The head of the Central Bank of Iran, Abdul Nasser Hamati, said targeting 20 billion dollars in dealing with Iraq through the development of economic relations and the participation of businessmen of the two countries is not impossible. 
    "Today, on the sidelines of the talks between the high-level Iraqi and Iranian delegations, we discussed with the Assistant Prime Minister and the Iraqi Minister of Finance the bilateral economic and financial relations," Hamati said in a post on the Ingram website about his talks in Tehran with Assistant Prime Minister and Iraqi Finance Minister Fuad Hussein. "He said. 
    The head of the Central Bank of Iran stressed that the development of financial cooperation between Iran and Iraq plays a key role in achieving the desired trade goals and reaching the volume of 20 billion dollars in the field of trade between the two countries.
    It is noteworthy that the Prime Minister of Iraq, "Adel Abdul Mahdi," arrived on Monday afternoon to Tehran, for talks with senior officials in the country.

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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Central Iranian: Achieving 20 billion dollars in trade with Iraq is not impossible Empty Central Iranian: Achieving 20 billion dollars in trade with Iraq is not impossible

    Post by Rocky Tue 23 Jul 2019, 1:55 am


    Central Iranian: Achieving 20 billion dollars in trade with Iraq is not impossible

    [rtl]Editorial date: 2019/7/23 8:52 • 75 times read[/rtl]
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    The head of the Central Bank of Iran, Abdul Nasser Hamati, said on Tuesday that targeting 20 billion dollars in dealing with Iraq through the development of economic relations and the participation of businessmen of the two countries is not impossible.
    He Hemmati in a post via the Instagram site about his talks in Tehran with Assistant Prime Minister, Iraqi Finance Minister Fuad Hussein on Monday, on the sidelines of the talks between the delegations of senior Iraqi and Iranian level, we discussed with Assistant Prime Minister, Minister of Finance of the Iraqi economic and financial bilateral relations. " 
    He stressed The head of the Central Bank of Iran, that "the development of financial cooperation between Iran and Iraq plays a key role in achieving the desired trade goals to reach the volume of 20 billion dollars in the field of trade between the two countries."

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