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    European Commission rejects Iranian criticism over nuclear deal

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    European Commission rejects Iranian criticism over nuclear deal Empty European Commission rejects Iranian criticism over nuclear deal

    Post by Rocky Sat 7 Sep - 3:14

    European Commission rejects Iranian criticism over nuclear deal
     Policy  07/09/2019  9
    European Commission rejects Iranian criticism over nuclear deal 5d728b3bd43750d3188b45f9
    European Commission rejects Iranian criticism over nuclear deal

    Clackamsh Press / Continue
    The European Commission has rejected criticism by Iran of the EU, which, in Tehran's view, has failed to compensate for the effects of the US withdrawal from the 2015 nuclear deal.
    "Our position is clear and coherent. Our commitment to this agreement is linked to Iran's respect for it," said Maya Kucjanic.
    The spokeswoman launched a new appeal on behalf of the Europeans to Iran to urge it to abide by all its provisions and not to take action contrary to it.
    She pointed to the Union's awareness of the difficulties faced by Iran and its people in dealing with the effects of US sanctions resulting from Washington's unilateral withdrawal last year from the nuclear deal, noting that Brussels and the European capitals concerned have taken several measures to facilitate the continuation of trade with Tehran.
    Kocjanic acknowledged that the special mechanism, the so-called Instex, had taken a long time, announcing the completion of the first trade in its framework.
    The Iranians have expressed outrage at the mechanism, which will not allow them to sell oil freely, a key demand for them to continue to respect the agreement.

      Current date/time is Sun 19 Jan - 10:48