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    The central bank issues new instructions for loans in excess of one billion dinars

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    The central bank issues new instructions for loans in excess of one billion dinars Empty The central bank issues new instructions for loans in excess of one billion dinars

    Post by Rocky Thu 12 Mar 2020, 5:59 am

    [size=36]The central bank issues new instructions for loans in excess of one billion dinars[/size]

    Economy | 10:50 - 12/03/2020

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    Baghdad - Mawazine News
    , The Central Bank issued, on Thursday, new instructions for loans in excess of one billion dinars.
    The bank said in a statement received / Mawazine News / a copy of it, that "with the aim of moving the wheel of the Iraqi economy and supporting productive projects, this bank issued new instructions regarding loans that exceed one billion dinars within the initiative (one trillion dinars) to finance small and medium projects."
    He added, "One of the most prominent things included in the instructions is that the financing period become (10) years as a maximum, and that the time limit does not exceed (3) years, while the interest of the Central Bank will be (2%) annually (decreasing) and calculated from the date the amount goes into an account. The bank, and to be paid within the monthly installment deducted from the bank, while the interest of the bank (the financing owner) will be (2%) annually as a maximum.
    The bank directed "not to allow the financing of the project that was previously funded from the same initiative as the determination of the duration of the lending and delinquency is subject to depending on the feasibility study presented and the opinion of the committee concerned with this type of financing."
    The Central Bank stressed that the bank’s credit study must include all the administrative commissions that the bank collects from the customer and that are listed in the bank’s commissions list starting from the date of opening the account and until the funding is granted to him, taking into account that they are one-time throughout the financing period and the committee has the right to reduce the amounts from them. Ended 29 / p

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    The central bank issues new instructions for loans in excess of one billion dinars Empty The central bank issues new instructions for loans in excess of one billion dinars

    Post by Rocky Thu 12 Mar 2020, 6:08 am

    The central bank issues new instructions for loans in excess of one billion dinars

    •  Time: 12/23/2020 10:50:51
    •  Reading: 1,508 times
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    {Baghdad: Al Furat News} The Central Bank of Iraq issued new instructions regarding loans that exceed a billion dinars.
    A statement of the bank stated, "The Euphrates News Agency" received a copy of it, "With the aim of moving the wheel of the Iraqi economy and supporting productive projects, this bank issued new instructions concerning loans that exceed one billion dinars within the initiative (one trillion dinars) to finance small and medium projects."
    He added, "One of the most prominent things included in the instructions is that the financing period become (10) years as a maximum, and that the time limit does not exceed (3) years, while the interest of the Central Bank will be (2%) annually (diminishing) and calculated from the date the amount goes into the bank account, And to be paid within the monthly installment deducted from the bank, and the interest of the bank (the owner of the financing) will be (2%) annually as a maximum.
    The Central Bank directed "in its instructions not to allow the financing of the project that was previously funded from the same initiative, whereby determining the duration of the lending and delinquency is subject to depend on the feasibility study presented and the opinion of the committee concerned with this type of financing."
    The Central Bank also stressed that "the credit study of the bank must include all administrative commissions that the bank collects from the customer and are listed in the bank commissions list starting from the date of opening the account and until the funding is granted to him, taking into account that they are one-time throughout the financing period and the committee has the right to reduce the amounts from them
    Ammar Al-Masoudi finished

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    The central bank issues new instructions for loans in excess of one billion dinars Empty The central bank issues new instructions for loans in excess of one billion dinars

    Post by Rocky Thu 12 Mar 2020, 6:18 am

    The central bank issues new instructions for loans in excess of one billion dinars

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    Economy News - Baghdad:
    The Central Bank of Iraq issued new instructions for loans in excess of one billion dinars .
    A bank statement received by "Al-Iqtisad News" stated that "with the aim of moving the wheel of the Iraqi economy and supporting productive projects, the Central Bank of Iraq issued new instructions concerning loans that exceed one billion dinars within the initiative (one trillion dinars) to finance small and medium projects ."
    The statement added that "one of the most prominent things included in the instructions is that the financing period become (10) years as a maximum, and that the time limit does not exceed (3) years, while the interest of the Central Bank will be (2%) annually (decreasing) and is calculated from the date the amount falls in The bank account, and to be paid within the monthly installment deducted from the bank, while the interest of the bank (the financing owner) will be (2%) annually as a maximum .
    The Central Bank of Iraq instructed in its instructions "not to allow the financing of the project that was previously funded from the same initiative, as the determination of the lending and delinquency period is subject to relying on the submitted feasibility study and the opinion of the committee concerned with this type of financing ."
    The Central Bank stressed that "the credit study of the bank must include all administrative commissions that the bank collects from the customer and that are listed in the bank commissions list starting from the date of opening the account and until the funding is granted to him, taking into account that they are one-time throughout the financing period and the committee has the right to reduce the amounts from them." .

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    The central bank issues new instructions for loans in excess of one billion dinars Empty Central Bank: New procedures for loans in excess of one billion dinars

    Post by Rocky Thu 12 Mar 2020, 6:25 am

    Central Bank: New procedures for loans in excess of one billion dinars

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    Today, Thursday, the Central Bank issued new instructions for [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] in excess of one billion dinars.
    The bank said in a statement that "in order to move the wheel of the Iraqi economy and support productive projects, this bank issued new instructions regarding [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] that exceed [url= %D8%AF%D9%8A%D9%86%D8%A7%D8%B1]one billion dinars[/url] within the initiative of one trillion dinars to finance small and medium projects."
    The bank clarified that “the most prominent thing included in the instructions is that the financing period become 10 years as a maximum, and that the time limit does not exceed 3 years, while the interest of [url= %D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%B1%D9%83%D8%B2%D9%8A]the central bank[/url] will be 2% annually, decreasing and calculated from the date the amount goes into the bank’s account,” noting that “its repayment will be within The monthly installment deducted from the bank, and the interest of the bank "the owner of the financing" will be 2% annually, as a maximum.
    In its instructions, the bank directed not to allow the financing of the project that was previously funded from the same initiative, whereby determining the duration of the lending and delinquency is subject to depend on the feasibility study presented and the opinion of the committee concerned with this type of financing.
    The bank stressed that the bank’s credit study should include all the administrative commissions that the bank collects from the customer and that are included in the bank’s commissions list starting from the date of opening the account and until the funding is granted to him, taking into account that they are one-time throughout the financing period and the committee has the right to reduce the amounts from them.
    The Central Bank announced the launch, at the end of the year 2015, of the one trillion initiative to finance small and medium enterprises, with the aim of encouraging young people to invest in the agricultural, industrial, commercial and service sectors.


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