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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Economist: America made Corona to fight China economically, and Iraq was the first affected

    Admin Assist
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    Economist: America made Corona to fight China economically, and Iraq was the first affected Empty Economist: America made Corona to fight China economically, and Iraq was the first affected

    Post by Rocky Sun 15 Mar 2020, 2:27 am

    Economist: America made Corona to fight China economically, and Iraq was the first affected

    09:00 - 15/03/2020

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    Information / private ..
    On Sunday, economist Dr. Nasser Al-Kinani said that America invented the Corona virus in order to hit the Chinese economy and withdraw Beijing to the dialogue table with the aim of thwarting the Silk Road project, pointing out that [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] biggest and first affected by this economic crisis that hit the whole world.
    Kanani said in a statement to the "information", that "the high prices of some commodities are due to the lack of preparedness by [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] for such conditions in addition to that the country has free trade without following up with specialists."
    He added that "those who follow the commercial movement are not honest, in addition to that the merchant has greed and exploitation of the situation and a monopoly of the goods, and therefore the target is the citizen."
    And that "the problem lies in the border outlets that lack qualitative control devices, in addition to that those sea and land outlets have a lot of corruption, as there must be a central committee and electronic devices to control these outlets."
    He pointed out that "the whole world is living in special economic conditions due to the ongoing global war between America and China, especially since Washington has fabricated the Corona virus to hit the Chinese economist and cut the silk road that China seeks to reach its goods to the Mediterranean in short ways."
    He explained that "China has increased its economic growth by 6% and may reach 25% during the coming period, while America has decreased the percentage to 1.5% and it may descend even further, although America has made the Corona virus in order for China to sit with it on the same table And, consequently, [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] largest affected by this war because of its dependence on the rentier economy and its lack of other industry, agriculture, or trade. 25 n ended

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