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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The President of the Republic calls Al-Zarfi to hold early and fair elections

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277234
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The President of the Republic calls Al-Zarfi to hold early and fair elections Empty The President of the Republic calls Al-Zarfi to hold early and fair elections

    Post by Rocky Tue 17 Mar 2020, 6:08 am

    The President of the Republic calls Al-Zarfi to hold early and fair elections

    •  Time: 03/17/2020 13:03:37
    •  Reading: 2,327 times
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    {Baghdad: Al Furat News} Today, Tuesday, President of the Republic Barham Salih appointed MP Adnan Al-Zorfi to head the Council of Ministers and form a new government for the next period.
    Saleh expressed, during the commissioning ceremony that took place in the Peace Palace in Baghdad, "his wishes for the Prime Minister in charge of success and success in his new tasks, and to work on early and fair elections, and to achieve the aspirations of Iraqis, and meets the demands of legitimate peaceful demonstrators through the implementation of the required reforms, and to maintain On the sovereignty, stability and security of Iraq. "
    The President of the Republic added, "Iraq deserves the best and its people to make the great sacrifices for a free and dignified life and a promising future for all of its people," noting that "many tasks and benefits awaiting the Iraqi people with all its components and spectrum are still before us, and it is a trust and responsibility in our necks we all seek To achieve it.
    Ammar Al-Masoudi finished

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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277234
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The President of the Republic calls Al-Zarfi to hold early and fair elections Empty The President of the Republic during Zrafi's mandate: My wishes for early and fair elections

    Post by Rocky Tue 17 Mar 2020, 6:43 am

    The President of the Republic during Zrafi's mandate: My wishes for early and fair elections

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    Baghdad / ... President of the Republic Barham Salih, on Tuesday, expressed his hope to work on holding early elections and achieving the aspirations of Iraqis.

    Saleh's office said in a statement received by "Eye of Iraq News", "Today, Tuesday, President of the Republic Barham Salih assigned Adnan Al-Zarfi to head the cabinet and form the new government for the next period."
    Saleh expressed during the commissioning ceremony that took place in the Peace Palace in Baghdad, his wishes "to the Prime Minister in charge of success and success in his new duties, and to work to hold early and fair elections, achieve the aspirations of the Iraqis, and meets the demands of legitimate peaceful demonstrators through the completion of the required reforms, and to maintain Sovereignty, stability and security of Iraq. "
    He added that "Iraq deserves the best and its people to make the great sacrifices for a free and dignified life and a promising future for all of its people," noting that "many tasks and benefits awaiting the Iraqi people with all its components and spectrum are still before us, and it is a trust and responsibility in our necks that we all strive to achieve."
    And a political source revealed, today, Tuesday, that President Barham Salih, the candidate, Adnan Al-Zarfi, was assigned to form a government. Finished 2

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