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    British newspaper: the death of the North Korean leader .. and a voice message to him raises doubts

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    British newspaper: the death of the North Korean leader .. and a voice message to him raises doubts Empty British newspaper: the death of the North Korean leader .. and a voice message to him raises doubts

    Post by Rocky Sun 26 Apr 2020, 2:36 am

    British newspaper: the death of the North Korean leader .. and a voice message to him raises doubts

    British newspaper: the death of the North Korean leader .. and a voice message to him raises doubts 1-1321103
    {International: Al Furat News} A British newspaper suggested the death of the North Korean leader.
    The Sunday Times published a report by Philip Sherwell, the newspaper's Asian affairs correspondent, entitled "Reports of the death or death of Kim Jong Un, the hidden tyrant from view."
    The author says that China has sent a team of senior doctors to treat Kim Jong-un, amid conflicting reports about the health of the North Korean leader since he went into hiding about two weeks ago.
    The writer says that the mission sent by China to North Korea is headed by a senior official of the Communist Party.
    He adds that other reports, whose source is attributed to senior officials of the Communist Party of China, say that Kim has already died and that the Chinese medical staff arrived too late to save his life.
    The author believes that, as with all reports received from the country that follows confidentiality and confidentiality as a policy, Kim's death reports must be treated with extreme caution, until any official confirmation is issued.
    The writer says that Kim Yoo Jung, Kim Jong Un's sister and chief propaganda official, is his closest ally, but there are doubts about whether she will be welcomed in the male-dominated power circles in North Korea.
    On Sunday morning, North Korea's official radio reported that leader Kim Jong Un thanked Korean workers and employees, in the first sign of his regular activities after news of his illness and death.
    The South Korean news agency "Rinhab" stated that the morning news did not mention the formula in which the Korean leader sent the thank-you message.
    "Kim Jong Un conveyed gratitude to the workers and employees who wholeheartedly helped create the Samsun city," the radio said, and he himself participated in the ceremony officially building the new city at the end of last year.
    In addition, the Central Transportation Committee announced that the North Korean leader received, on Thursday, a congratulatory message from Communist Party Chairman Gennady Zyuganov on the occasion of Kim Jong Un's visit to Russia.
    For his part, the President of the Korean Friendship Association, Alejandro Cao de Peños, denied news reports circulating about the death of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
    "These rumors of Kim Jong Un's death are false and malicious," said De Pinus, on his Twitter account.
    Earlier, news appeared on the Chinese social networking site "Weibeno" about the death of the North Korean president and his owner said that he obtained this information from a "reliable" source.
    US media quoted last week as an official, unnamed, that the United States verify whether the Korean leader in serious condition after surgery was conducted to H.anthy
    Ammar al - Masoudi

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