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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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2 posters

    Foreign investment in Iraq rises 20-fold and up to (60) billion dollars

    Bama Diva
    Bama Diva

    Posts : 1791
    Join date : 2012-12-21
    Location : Gulf Coast

    Foreign investment in Iraq rises 20-fold and up to (60) billion dollars Empty Foreign investment in Iraq rises 20-fold and up to (60) billion dollars

    Post by Bama Diva Sat 23 Feb 2013, 10:09 am

    Foreign investment in Iraq rises 20-fold and up to (60) billion dollars

    23-02-2013 | (Voice of Iraq)

    GICA Organization announced the south-east Asian,Saturday, that foreign investment in Iraq rose to 20-fold to become a U.S. $ 60 billion after it was three billion dollars four years ago.
    A report of the Organization of GICA seen by "Twilight News" that "foreign investment in Iraq was of approximately three billion dollars approximately four years ago

    The report added that "foreign investment in Iraq now more than $ 60 billion and continues to rise."

    The report indicated that "foreign investment in Iraq multiplied 20-fold in four years, and this is a good march of the Iraqi economy, which is witnessing great economic booms."

    The Iraqi investment law gave foreign investors the right trading in the stock market, stocks and bonds, and lease of land needed for the project or Musataha, and the right of the foreign investor in insurance companies on the project.

    The law ensures that the recruitment and use of priority workers for the Iraqis, as well as giving the foreign investor and foreign workers in the investment projects the right of residence in Iraq and facilitate their entry and exit to and from Iraq.

    The project enjoys with its investment projects that obtained the investment license from the Commission for exemption from taxes and duties for 10 years from the start of commercial operation of the project.

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    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3118
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Foreign investment in Iraq rises 20-fold and up to (60) billion dollars Empty Re: Foreign investment in Iraq rises 20-fold and up to (60) billion dollars

    Post by Hkp1 Sat 23 Feb 2013, 1:17 pm

    Was just about to post this...till I seen it up... Nice post Bama Diva... Up 20 fold - to 60 Billion.. Wow!!!

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