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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    “Negative 25 billion dollars.” The balance of foreign investment flows in Iraq over 5 years

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    “Negative 25 billion dollars.” The balance of foreign investment flows in Iraq over 5 years Empty “Negative 25 billion dollars.” The balance of foreign investment flows in Iraq over 5 years

    Post by Rocky Sat 04 Mar 2023, 6:08 pm

    [size=30]“Negative 25 billion dollars.” The balance of foreign investment flows in Iraq over 5 years

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    Yes Iraq: Baghdad
    Economic researcher Manar Al-Obaidi revealed that the balance of “entry and exit” of foreign investments to Iraq was recorded - $25 billion over the past five years.
    Al-Obeidi said in a clarification followed by “Yas Iraq”, that “during the past five years, the flow of Iraqi foreign investments amounted to (-25) billion US dollars. That is, the volume of foreign money entering was much less than that which came out as a result of the poor investment environment and the inability to attract foreign investments in various sectors.

    He added, "On the other hand, I witnessed the volume of foreign investments entering (Turkey, the UAE, Saudi Arabia) about 200 billion dollars, and the volume of foreign investments entering a group of African countries that were considered among the poorest countries reached about 34 billion US dollars, led by Ethiopia, which was able to attract investments worth 20 billion dollars." Billion dollar".

    He pointed out that "the main obstacle to foreign investment in Iraq is the weak business environment that repels investment and the weakness of the investment system that does not have a clear vision of the goals of foreign investment in Iraq."

    And he considered that “foreign investment is the only solution available to the Iraqi state to face crises and challenges, as it represents an important source for building an internal economic system, and the government investment system must work to develop strategies that depend on
    1- Increasing foreign investment
    2- Investing in sectors other than oil to increase their contribution to the GDP
    3- Focusing on investments that provide job opportunities

    Continuing the methodology of granting investments without calibrating them with the investment objectives will lead to losing the importance of investment and turning it into a law that aims to zero taxes and customs on the investor only, as is the case now.
    Investment is an integrated economic system synonymous with the state budget, not building malls that aim to increase consumption
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