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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    When should the dollar be held or given away? Experts answer

    Admin Assist
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    When should the dollar be held or given away? Experts answer Empty When should the dollar be held or given away? Experts answer

    Post by Rocky Sun 21 Mar 2021, 7:31 am

    When should the dollar be held or given away? Experts answer

    •  Time: 03/21/2021 08:54:38
    •  Read: 3,419 times

    When should the dollar be held or given away? Experts answer 6056d97c4c59b703764d449b
    {Follow-up: Al Furat News} Experts in the world of finance and economics said that in light of the fluctuations of the dollar, all savings should not be kept in the same currency, in order to reduce risks.
    Edward Bogrove, managing partner of GLS INVEST, said: “Should the dollar be disposed of now, or is it necessary to wait and see ... The golden rule for an investor is not to keep all savings in one currency, regardless of how liquid they are. "At 76 rubles (and more in March last year at 80 rubles) they will do that. Maybe you have to deal with the losses."
    At the same time, the expert advised, in order to reduce risks, not to fully approve all funds in dollars, leaving a third of the assets in dollars, the other third in euros, and the rest 40% in rubles.
    According to the expert, one should not expect a sharp decline in the dollar's value. It is unlikely that the exchange rate will decrease to 60-65 rubles during 2021, but there will be fluctuations.
    "Now the value of the Russian national currency is strongly influenced by the state of foreign policy. So far there are no preconditions for softening relations between our country and other players on the international arena. Positive factors balance the negative factors." In general, Bogrove concluded that the dollar may fluctuate during the year.
    Maxim Markov, an assistant professor in the department of financial markets at the Russian Plekhanov University of Economics, told Prime Agency: "The dollar exchange rate has seen large fluctuations in general in recent years. So you should not expect to improve your well-being by investing your current money in it."
    According to him, the dynamics of the dollar's exchange rate in the short term are absolutely unpredictable, they can grow, and they can decline. So it is better to keep the money in the currency in which you spend it, that is, in rubles.

      Current date/time is Sun 15 Sep 2024, 10:34 pm