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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Iraq is the second largest importer of Iranian goods

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Iraq is the second largest importer of Iranian goods Empty Iraq is the second largest importer of Iranian goods

    Post by Rocky Mon 03 May 2021, 7:09 am

    Iraq is the second largest importer of Iranian goods

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    The Iranian customs spokesman, Ruhollah Latifi, announced that his country exported goods to more than 143 countries and imported from 123 countries during the last "Iranian year" (ended March 20, 2021) despite the tightening of the ban and restrictions imposed by the outbreak of the Coronavirus.
    Latifi said in statements followed by Al-Iqtisad News, "Last year, Iran exported types of goods whose value exceeded 34 billion and 998 million dollars to 143 countries."
    He added that "also during this period, goods were imported from 123 countries with a value of 38 billion and 892 million dollars."
    Latifi referred to three destinations for Iranian commercial goods, the first of which is China with more than 9 billion and 77 million and 123 thousand and 234 dollars, the second is Iraq with 7 billion and 448 million and 431 thousand and 673 dollars, and the third is the UAE with 4 billion and 661 million and 621 thousand and 682 dollars.
    He continued: "After these three countries, Turkey was with 2 billion and 536 million and 616 thousand and 688 dollars, and Afghanistan 2 billion and 308 million and 401 thousand and 259 dollars."
    He pointed out to the most important countries from which Iran imports goods, namely China with 9 billion and 843 million 5 thousand and 951 dollars, then the UAE with 9 billion and 757 million and 787 thousand and 591 dollars, and Turkey 4 billion, 400 million and 91 thousand and 82 dollars.
    Latifi said that nearly 50 percent of the country's exports last year were petrochemicals and petroleum products, 20 percent of mineral products and metallurgical industries, 18 percent of agricultural products and food industries, and about 10 percent of exports of industrial goods, gas condensate and handicrafts was one percent.
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