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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Integrity arrests an accused who received money in exchange for false promises of appointment

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Integrity arrests an accused who received money in exchange for false promises of appointment Empty Integrity arrests an accused who received money in exchange for false promises of appointment

    Post by Rocky Mon 06 Sep 2021, 7:06 am

    Integrity arrests an accused who received money in exchange for false promises of appointment

    •  Time: 09/06/2021 10:57:51
    •  Reading: 572 times

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    {Local: Al Furat News} The Federal Integrity Commission announced that its owners were able to arrest an employee in the Northern Region Railway Directorate red-handed receiving money from citizens; In exchange for false promises of appointment.
    The investigation department of the authority stated, in a statement that {Euphrates News} received a copy of it, that “the seizure that was carried out according to a judicial memorandum, stated that a team from the authority’s investigation directorate in Nineveh Governorate had arrested an employee in the Northern Region Railway Directorate who was taking sums of money. of citizens in the governorate in return for false promises of their appointment, based on the provisions of Article (307) of the Penal Code. 
    And she continued, "The accused provided (4) of those he promised to be appointed in the railway company a forged administrative order allegedly issued by the General Company for Iraq Railways, including their appointment, while the investigations of the Commission's Investigation Directorate in the province and its preliminary investigations showed that the accused had forged the book with the intention of Deceive the four citizens to be appointed and to obtain the agreed-upon amounts from them.
    And she indicated, "The book was presented to the director of the Northern Region Railways Directorate, its human resources officer, and the representative of the railway union in Nineveh Governorate, where they confirmed that the accused had committed his act and forged the book, with the motive of achieving personal benefits by deluding the citizens of the appointment.
     And she added, "A fundamentalist seizure report was organized in the process, and he, along with the accused and the seized documents, were presented to the judge of the Nineveh Investigation Court specialized in integrity issues, who decided to arrest him pending investigation."
    The head of the commission, Judge (Alaa Jawad Al-Saadi), and during his inspection visit to the commission’s investigation directorate in the governorate, urged the directorate’s cadres to escalate the pace of arrest operations for the flagrant offense, develop the work of anti-bribery committees in the commission’s investigation directorates and offices, and activate the outputs of the identification of bribery perceptions, and Citizens shall not be subjected to blackmail, bargaining and bribery.
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