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    Two Arab countries are on the list.. 17 countries are in default of their debts

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Two Arab countries are on the list.. 17 countries are in default of their debts Empty Two Arab countries are on the list.. 17 countries are in default of their debts

    Post by Rocky Sun 03 Jul 2022, 10:14 am

    [size=35][size=35]Two Arab countries are on the list.. 17 countries are in default of their debts[/size]



    2022-07-03 | 05:46
    Two Arab countries are on the list.. 17 countries are in default of their debts Doc-P-425384-637924385862356163



    Alsumaria news - follow up
    agency "Fitch" credit rating lowered its outlook on sovereign debt, due to concerns about the rise in global borrowing costs and the possibility of a new wave of defaults.

    Fitch, which monitors more than 100 countries, confirmed that the war inUkraineFueling problems such as high inflation, trade disruptions and weak economies are now hurting sovereign credit conditions.
    The head of the sovereign ratings unit at Fitch Ratings said:[url= %D9%85%D8%A7%D9%83%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%85%D8%A7%D9%83/ar/]James McCormack[/url]“High interest rates increase government debt servicing costs,” reducing the company’s view of the sovereign sector to “neutral” from “improving.”

    Once again, the number of countries experiencing downgrades in their credit ratings began to increase this year as the pressure mounted.
    Most of the governments covered by Fitch have either brought in subsidies or implemented tax cuts in an effort to mitigate the impact of rising inflation. But this had its cost.

    "While a moderate fiscal deterioration can be absorbed by the positive effects of inflation on government debt mechanisms, such effects depend on maintaining low interest rates, and this is no longer certain," McCormack said.

    While commodity exporters will benefit from higher prices, those who have to import the bulk of energy or food will suffer.
    The number of countries in the list of countries that are in default or whose bond yields in the financial markets indicate that this has happened is 17, which is a record level.

    These countries arePakistanSri Lanka, Zambia andLebanonAnd theTunisiaAnd theGhanaand Ethiopia andUkraineAnd theTajikistanAnd theEl SalvadorAnd theSurinameEcuador andBelizeArgentina, Russia, Belarus, andVenezuela.

      Current date/time is Sat 14 Sep 2024, 5:33 am