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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The Kurdistan Democratic Party supports early elections, provided that the final results are accepte

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The Kurdistan Democratic Party supports early elections, provided that the final results are accepte Empty The Kurdistan Democratic Party supports early elections, provided that the final results are accepte

    Post by Rocky Sat 13 Aug 2022, 5:04 am

    [size=38]The Kurdistan Democratic Party supports early elections, provided that the final results are accepted and everyone agrees[/size]

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    Baghdad / Obelisk: Today, Saturday, the Kurdistan Democratic Party decided its position on holding early elections, indicating that they can be held after all political parties agree.
    In a statement received by the obelisk, the party stated that "to take into account the country's interest and to protect Iraq from the dangers it faces, we call on all political leaders in Iraq to assume the responsibilities of the current stage, and we also call on all parties to take serious, necessary and urgent steps to conduct a fruitful and successful dialogue based on the principles of the Iraqi constitution." to save the country from the current impasse.

    He added, "Therefore, in order to carry out the process of reform and real change and improve the current situation in Iraq, it can be agreed to hold early elections after all parties agree and pledge to agree to the final results of the elections as they are and not to repeat the experience of the previous elections in Iraq."
    A member of the Wisdom Movement, Ayser Al-Jadri, considered that the sit-in of the open coordination framework comes against the background of supporting legitimacy and expediting the formation of the government and sitting at the dialogue table.
    He added that the coordinating framework put forward more than one initiative to end the political blockage, which the other party tried to use the street to worsen the situation and keep the largest bloc away from its constitutional right to form a government.
    Al-Jadri pointed out that the coordination framework is waiting for the Kurds to decide their candidate for the presidency and then proceed with the formation of the new government.
    He explained that the Sadrist movement rejects dialogue with the framework and what we hope from the protesters on the walls of the Green Zone to achieve the desired goal by implementing support for constitutional legitimacy to reach the formation of a national service government.
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