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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Abadi vision is more important than his!

    Admin Assist
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    Abadi vision is more important than his! Empty Abadi vision is more important than his!

    Post by Rocky Mon 25 Aug 2014, 5:46 am

    Abadi vision is more important than his!

    8/25/2014 0:00 

    Mohammed Mahboob 
    probably did not get the Prime Minister in the world on the support he received Iraqi Prime Minister-designate, Dr. Haidar al-Abbadi, it unites East and West to support the next Iraqi government, and is not important here delve into the analysis of the background to this new position, but the most important is to invest the next government, headed by Abadi this broad international support and domestic support and unconditional support of the Gulf alternating the best investment possible. The Iraqis and the whole world is seen today to the next government as the government of the last chance given the seriousness of the challenges plaguing the country. 
    certainly is a complex task and sticking in front of Dr. Abadi, who faces since now a heavy legacy of serious challenges, foremost of which editing is about one-third of the total area of one or more of the occupation Aldaasha obnoxious, as well as the political crises intractable solution for many years with partners in the homeland, not to mention the security problems and economic and service suffered by the Iraqi people in general. 
    since commissioning Abadi form the next government began political blocs waving lists of conditions and raise the ceiling of their demands threatened to withdraw its support of Ebadi the case of non-implementation of these conditions, which described some Baltjeezah or violation of the Iraqi Constitution, and until this moment did not give the Prime Minister in charge of the program of his new government was not to run the details of his vision for the next stage, except perhaps his intention to reducing its government and the abolition of titles aggrandizement and veneration, but there are expectations that the days are witnessing the next few put Abadi program of his new government, and of these expectations sometimes limits rosy dreams for some parties, some began touting as if a new era in the country will begin with the government of al-Abadi, there is no doubt that many of these expectations are exaggerated and will not be realized, but it will certainly be Mr. Abadi touches new based on the configured political, cultural and psychological, social, and this is normal Valebadi is non-Maliki, although two came from one party and one faith and a common past. 
    after the emergence of gangs "Daash" The occupation of the important parts of the country and the subsequent genocide of the population, rape and captivity women and sold in the market openly in the phenomenon was known by the world in the modern era, as well as the problems intractable years ago with partners in the homeland, we see that all of these challenges requires a new vision and a political will and great courage by Dr. Abadi to be able to succeed in his difficult task , and otherwise it will be re-produce the same problems and crises that have arisen in the previous stage, and certainly the Abadi does not carry a stick of Moses (AS) to eat up all the snakes they are facing, but we have a new vision to resolve crises or mitigate them. 
    for war against "Daash "Van Abadi enjoyed since now strong international support, and there are features of the NATO international and regional began to be formed to eliminate the" Daash "This is a positive will facilitate his mission in this area, but the crisis remains with partners in the homeland (Kurds and Sunnis) need a new vision to which we have referred, in particular, , and here we wonder: What are the solutions that can be provided by Dr. Abadi phenomenon beyond even the Confederate Btgah rush towards the formation of the Iraqi state within a state in all of Maitba that breach and the excesses of the Iraqi Constitution? What is the position of the demands of the Abadi restive provinces and the desire of some to copy the experience of the Kurdistan region of each Achkaladtha constitutional? I think that the crisis is no longer useless with deportation or postponement or escaping forward. 
    dangerous phase had to Abadi to reach understandings with the Kurds to set the rhythm of their ambitions in line with the Iraqi constitution, as he had to grant the provinces is associated with the province more powers that can reach the limits powers of the region there is no justification to claim back the formation of regions at least at the current stage with our recognition that it is a constitutional right to be impeccable. There are many ministries that need to be canceled and conversion powers to local governments, such as health and education, municipalities, housing, transportation, electricity, etc., and should be the slogan Abadi not feminine government, but transforming powers to local governments because that is what should be the goal of policy limbering government. We are facing a crisis of governance is not the crisis of sagging government, the problem is that civil peace is threatened with collapse is not a problem to reduce government expenditures to meet the fiscal deficit in the general budget. 
    today to unite all the world and standing with Iraq, with the beginning of the era of Dr. Abadi, would you still picture of the day of the Rosary of these during the past four the coming of the mandate?, it depends on how it Abadi of vision to solve the crisis on the one hand and on the parties to the abuse crisis with this vision, on the other hand. In short, we say that the Iraqi crisis needs a new vision for solutions, but that the formation of vision-Abadi, the most important of the formation of his government.

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