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    Maliki proposes to resort to an alternative plan for the formation of the government and calls for B

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Maliki proposes to resort to an alternative plan for the formation of the government and calls for B Empty Maliki proposes to resort to an alternative plan for the formation of the government and calls for B

    Post by Rocky Wed 27 Aug 2014, 7:34 am

    Maliki proposes to resort to an alternative plan for the formation of the government and calls for Biden to move away from the project to divide Iraq

    08/27/2014 13:36

    Follow-up - and babysit - Prime Minister outgoing Nuri al-Maliki, provided that the political blocs demands high ceilings, and with the adoption of the proposed plan "B" in the formation of the government, called on Vice President Biden to stay away from the project to divide Iraq.

    Maliki said in his weekly and pursued news agency public opinion (and babysit), on Wednesday, "The formation of a government does not mean the political majority to form a government of a single component, but of all the ingredients."

    "The most political blocs made demands high ceilings, so invite her to reduce its demands," noting that "some of those demands are unconstitutional."

    Maliki said "suggested in the case of asylum demands blocs stuck to the plan and (b) the trend towards political majority if there is obstruction of the blocks,"

    Maliki said that "Iraq is witnessing political mobility, while once again shows Vice President to put the project to divide Iraq, which is unacceptable from him and any attempts to divide Iraq under any name."

    He criticized al-Maliki, "Biden call the judge to form a government of the regions on the basis of ethnic-sectarian, and that it does not pose any threads calling for the division, and the Iraqis refused to answer it," and urged him to "respect the constitution and not to put the issues of harm Iraq."

    During the call, "Prime Minister al-Maliki for the formation of a committee to investigate the massacre Base Speicher, on behalf of (revenge for the martyrs of Spyker), to hunt down the perpetrators of the massacre," stressing that "the blood of the martyrs soldiers will not be wasted, and the Committee allocated telephone numbers to take the testimony of citizens to the massacre, and complaints with martyrs. "

    In another file, Maliki confirmed "the need to prosecute the armed manifestations under the name of popular mobilization," pointing out that "the crowd his public mission and national dishonest They defend Iraq from Conception terrorism, so it can not be allowed for some of the use of this task to pass his agenda and partisan mainstream Disarm ". Q, Q

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