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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The Kurdistan Democratic Party criticizes the start of early election campaigns by political parties

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The Kurdistan Democratic Party criticizes the start of early election campaigns by political parties Empty The Kurdistan Democratic Party criticizes the start of early election campaigns by political parties

    Post by Rocky Tue 13 Dec 2022, 5:42 am

    The Kurdistan Democratic Party criticizes the start of early election campaigns by political parties

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    2022-12-13 02:20

    Shafaq News/ The Kurdistan Democratic Party criticized, on Tuesday, that political parties and parties (which it did not name) in the Kurdistan Region initiate early election campaigns before the election date, whether for the Iraqi or Kurdish legislative elections.
    This came in a speech by the official spokesman of the party, Mahmoud Muhammad, during the ceremony of replacing the official of the 16th branch of the Kurdistan Democratic Party in the Erbil Plain region.

    During the speech, Muhammad expressed his regret that parties, parties, people and personalities, since the day of the end of the Iraqi or Kurdish legislative elections or the provincial councils, started an early election campaign for other elections.
    He added that the process of counting and sorting the votes has not yet ended, as we see them start another electoral campaign, adding that this psychological state that they cause to people is not desirable, so they should be given the opportunity to be somewhat optimistic from a psychological point of view, as they do not have to be kept under the pressure of the tense and excited atmosphere that they are in. Elections usually follow.
    A spokesman for the Kurdistan Democratic Party addressed these parties and parties, saying, "Give people the opportunity, and 6 months before the elections, start your electoral campaigns so that people can lead their normal lives."
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