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    Sahlani confirms the Commission's determination to end the interim financial budget problems

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Sahlani confirms the Commission's determination to end the interim financial budget problems Empty Sahlani confirms the Commission's determination to end the interim financial budget problems

    Post by Rocky Mon 08 Sep 2014, 6:55 am

    Sahlani confirms the Commission's determination to end the interim financial budget problems


    BAGHDAD / Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network (IMN) - According to a member of the Budget Committee Parliamentary Temporary crescent Sahlani, that the committee is determined to end all the problems of the budget in 2014, as revealed the existence of a financial deficit because of the expenses of the security forces in the face of terrorism and the granting of the displaced. He Sahlani's (IMN), that "there are financial problems between the federal government and the province, and problems related to advances provinces and ministries, and the expenses of the face of terrorism within the budget of 2014, and strive to find solutions to those problems to be budget 2015 free of financial crises." The MP for the coalition of state law, Ali Fayad's (IMN), that there is coordination between the prime minister-designate Haider Abadi and Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, for the purpose of speeding up to pass the general budget. And the Ministry of Planning said earlier, it did not reach the figure speculative to balance in 2015, because of the problems related to resources of the country and the region's share of oil resources, which has not been resolved yet.

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