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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    (Baghdad Today) publishes the text of the final statement of the Iraq Climate Conference

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    (Baghdad Today) publishes the text of the final statement of the Iraq Climate Conference Empty (Baghdad Today) publishes the text of the final statement of the Iraq Climate Conference

    Post by Rocky Tue 14 Mar 2023, 5:06 am

    (Baghdad Today) publishes the text of the final statement of the Iraq Climate Conference

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today, 12:09 |
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    Baghdad today - Baghdad 
    Today, Tuesday, the work of the (Iraq Climate) Conference, held in Basra Governorate, was concluded, while the conferees recommended 22 points to address climate challenges.
    The closing statement of the conference, which was received by (Baghdad Today), stated that "six specialized sessions were held in which Iraqi and foreign officials and experts participated, dealing with the priorities of environmental challenges in Iraq, international financing, the specific national contribution, the role of civil society organizations and international organizations to support climate action and water scarcity, and a special session on climate challenges in Basra province". 
    The statement added, "The conferees recommended the following: 
    The conference adopts the important contents of the speech of the Prime Minister to serve as a platform for climate and environmental action for Iraq.
    The climate is no longer just an environmental issue, but has become an essential development and security issue for the current generation and future generations.
    - The Iraqi government has reflected its commitment to take all necessary measures to ensure that the concepts of climate change are generalized in all major sectors and policies and ways to implement them.
    Call on the House of Representatives to allocate a national budget for climate change in 2023 to begin implementing the NDC priorities.
    Work to develop a comprehensive institutional coordination mechanism with clear roles and responsibilities for each ministry and stakeholders with regard to the various aspects of climate change.
    - Enhancing the participatory approach between government agencies, civil society organizations, the private sector, UN organizations, the World Bank and other international entities to implement the Nationally Determined Contributions, which will activate the role of civil society and the private sector in implementing these commitments.
    - Invite the Parliamentary Health and Environment Committee as a major change maker in all events in which Iraq participates in generalizing climate change in legislative, planning and financing activities and events.
    The conference calls on all signatory members of international environmental agreements to enhance international cooperation in the joint management of transboundary river basins and to preserve the rights of the riparian countries.
    The importance of investing in flared gas and associated gas in the production of alternative clean energy to achieve the goal of zero flare in Iraq by 2030.
    Strengthening the partnership between the Ministries of Electricity and Oil for a gradual transition to energy in Iraq.
    Emphasizing the importance of using sea water in oil extraction operations.
    The need to provide support for the initiatives of young people working in the field of renewable energy and the green economy.
    - Advocating for rational and integrated waste management measures.
    Iraq's friends in the international community are keen to support Iraq's balanced approach to mitigate the effects of economic growth, climate change and adaptation. This approach enables communities, individuals, and industries to develop and implement policies that best suit their needs.
     - Commending the Cabinet's decision regarding customs and tax exemption on imports of modern irrigation technologies, which are efficient in the use of water and energy.
    - Calling for the establishment of a national fund dedicated to confronting climate change, which will ensure predictable financing for priority climate actions.
     Strengthening the capacity of national institutions and creating an enabling environment for obtaining international financing for climate change.
    Work to develop Iraq's vision for climate change and the environment, prepare a comprehensive strategy for a sustainable green economy, and protect vulnerable groups.
    - The conference stresses the importance of joint financing to access international financing in combating the climate crisis and the implementation of voluntary contributions.
    - The conference calls on the Central Bank to take all necessary measures to promote concessional financing for the green economy, which supports the priorities of adaptation and mitigation in Iraq.
    The conference welcomes the announcement of the Association of Private Banks and its contribution to the implementation of 10% of the afforestation initiative announced by the Prime Minister, which included planting five million trees.
    - Forming a secretariat consisting of the relevant authorities to follow up and implement the decisions of the conference and submit periodic work progress reports to the Prime Minister. 
    The conference (Iraq Climate) was launched last Sunday in Basra Governorate under the auspices of Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani and in coordination with the relevant ministries and sectoral bodies, the Parliamentary Health and Environment Committee, the United Nations Mission, international organizations and diplomatic missions accredited in Iraq.
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      Current date/time is Tue 17 Sep 2024, 5:22 pm