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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Shammari: Hakim's visit to the region aimed at the development of a roadmap for the outstanding issu

    Admin Assist
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    Shammari: Hakim's visit to the region aimed at the development of a roadmap for the outstanding issu Empty Shammari: Hakim's visit to the region aimed at the development of a roadmap for the outstanding issu

    Post by Rocky Mon 22 Sep 2014, 5:53 pm

    Shammari: Hakim's visit to the region aimed at the development of a roadmap for the outstanding issues between Baghdad and Erbil


    Said the leader of the Islamic Supreme Council Fadi al-Shammari, said the visit of the President of the Supreme Council Ammar al-Hakim of the Kurdistan region, aimed at the development of a roadmap to address the outstanding issues between the province and the center according to the Iraqi constitution and the laws in force. Al-Shammari said in a statement to "Khandan" "The visit of Mr. Hakim to the Kurdistan region was emphasized during which, on the Strengthening of bilateral relations between the national and Kurdish coalitions." The Al-Shammari said, "it was also discussion of the outstanding issues between the province and the center of the boot and a road map and clear-cut, according to the Constitution and laws, to address these issues.mThe head of the Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani met on Sunday, Mr. Ammar al-Hakim, head of the Islamic Supreme Council.
    The presidency of the province in a statement that he has been through Allqabges relations between the Iraqi political forces and other political and security developments in Iraq and the political process and the formation of the Iraqi government, also discussed the threats of terrorists Daash and victories Peshmerga forces of Kurdistan in the fronts of confrontation against terrorists, and the meeting discussed the problems between the region and Baghdad was confirmed by both parties the need to address the problems and disagreements between Erbil and Baghdad.

    In another aspect of the meeting was talking about helping the displaced with reference to the government's efforts in the region harboring them, stressing that the most effective solution for the situation of the displaced is being returned to their areas and ensure their protection and compensation, and the Iraqi government to assume its responsibilities and the implementation of its obligations in this regard. 

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