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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary approach to amend investment and corporate laws

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Parliamentary approach to amend investment and corporate laws Empty Parliamentary approach to amend investment and corporate laws

    Post by Rocky Wed 31 May 2023, 8:03 am

    [size=30]Parliamentary approach to amend investment and corporate laws[/size]

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    Members of the House of Representatives said today, Tuesday, that economic openness through the vital development path project must be accompanied by a change in investment laws, and a simplification of routine.

    A member of the Parliamentary Services and Reconstruction Committee, Representative Alaa Sukar al-Dalfi, said, in a statement followed by NRT Arabia: “The path of development will change the country qualitatively to improve the local economy, multiply the sources of income, and not depend on oil only.”

    Al-Dalfi added, “The Services and Reconstruction Committee has prepared a plan to follow up the lagging ministerial projects, and after approving the budget, we will re-work the oversight tours of the governorates and review their reality service provided to citizens, in addition to reformulating and amending the paragraphs of many laws that must keep pace with development," noting that "the law companies and other laws must be simplified to ensure ease of contracting with the investor within the laws and regulations.

    For his part, a member of the Parliamentary Investment and Development Committee, Muhammad al-Ziyadi, called for "reconsidering important laws, especially economic investment laws that needed to be legislated to revive the Iraqi economy again, by opening and simplifying investment outlets."

    Al-Ziyadi stressed that "the government should find laws to eliminate corruption by all means and activate the recovery of lost funds due to corruption, and reconsider investment laws and activate them in a way that keeps pace with the important stage that Iraq is going through." .
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