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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Iraq reduces its holdings of US bonds to more than $8 billion

    Admin Assist
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    Iraq reduces its holdings of US bonds to more than $8 billion Empty Iraq reduces its holdings of US bonds to more than $8 billion

    Post by Rocky Sun 23 Jul 2023, 5:13 am

    Iraq reduces its holdings of US bonds to more than $8 billion

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    2023-07-23 01:38

    Shafaq News / The US Treasury announced, on Sunday, that Iraq has reduced its holdings of US bonds to more than $8 billion during the first five months of 2023.
    The treasury said in its latest table seen by Shafaq News Agency, "Iraq reduced its holdings of bonds during the first five months of this year, starting from January to May, by $8.5 billion, to reach the 36th rank among the countries with the largest holdings of US treasury bonds, of the 38 countries listed in the table of countries."

    And she added, "Iraq's possession of US bonds in January amounted to 41.2 billion dollars, to decrease to 40.7 billion dollars in February, and to decrease to 39.3 billion dollars in March, after which it decreased again in April to 34.8 billion dollars, and decreased in May to 32.7 billion dollars," noting that "Iraq's possession of US bonds in January of the year 2022 amounted to 40.8 billion dollars."
    She pointed out that "Iraq was the fourth largest Arab country in the largest possession of US bonds, after Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Kuwait."
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    Posts : 5321
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Iraq reduces its holdings of US bonds to more than $8 billion Empty Re: Iraq reduces its holdings of US bonds to more than $8 billion

    Post by wciappetta Sun 23 Jul 2023, 7:30 am

    Clearly these were short term bonds. More than likely this is a preparation for funding the reconstruction of the country.

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