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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The Erbil government holds Baghdad "once again" responsible for providing the salaries of its employ

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The Erbil government holds Baghdad "once again" responsible for providing the salaries of its employ Empty The Erbil government holds Baghdad "once again" responsible for providing the salaries of its employ

    Post by Rocky Tue 25 Jul 2023, 5:15 am

    The Erbil government holds Baghdad "once again" responsible for providing the salaries of its employees
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today
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    Baghdad today - Kurdistan
    Today, Tuesday (July 25, 2023), the Kurdistan Regional Government held the federal government responsible for providing monthly salaries to employees and workers in the public sector in the region.
    "Oil revenues, in agreement with the Iraqi government, are no longer in the hands of the regional government, so the federal government is responsible for providing salaries and financial dues to the citizens of the Kurdistan region in accordance with the budget law," said the spokesman for the regional government, Peshwa Hauramani, in a statement received by "Baghdad Today."
    While an official source in the Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Kurdistan Regional Government revealed, yesterday, Monday (July 24, 2023),  in an interview with "Baghdad Today" that "the Ministry of Finance in the regional government cannot secure even a quarter of the employees' salaries for the month of June, due to the lack of financial liquidity, as a result of the failure to resume oil exports, and Baghdad's failure to send financial allocations."
    He added, "The Iraqi government decided to send June salaries to help the regional government, but until now it is not known when the money will be sent, while there is great popular pressure and grumbling as a result of not distributing June salaries, even though we are approaching the end of July."
    Employees and retirees in the Kurdistan region suffer from delayed payment of their monthly salaries for long periods, while the region is witnessing a financial crisis due to the suspension of exporting the region's oil and delivering it to Baghdad, amid Baghdad's failure to send Kurdistan dues from the budget due to differences over the mechanism for implementing the budget agreement.
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