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    Praise from the European Union and the United Nations missions for Iraq's anti-corruption measures

    Admin Assist
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    Praise from the European Union and the United Nations missions for Iraq's anti-corruption measures Empty Praise from the European Union and the United Nations missions for Iraq's anti-corruption measures

    Post by Rocky Tue 29 Aug 2023, 2:55 pm

    Praise from the European Union and the United Nations missions for Iraq's anti-corruption measures
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    Baghdad today - Baghdad
    Today, Tuesday (August 29, 2023), the representative of the United Nations Development Program and the European Union Mission in Iraq praised the government's measures in the field of combating corruption.
    The Integrity Commission held the workshop, which was held in cooperation with the United Nations Anti-Corruption Program, to "enhance the participants' knowledge and skills about the United Nations Convention and the review mechanism for states' compliance with its articles and chapters."
    In his speech at the workshop, the head of the commission, Haider Hanoun, affirmed "Iraq's keenness to adhere to international commitments, charters and agreements, especially those related to combating corruption," noting "the concerted efforts of the three authorities and their cooperation with the oversight agencies to achieve a response to the articles and provisions of the International Convention against Corruption."
    Hanoun reviewed "Iraq's efforts to respond to the decisions of the second and fifth review chapters of the agreement on preventive measures and asset recovery."
    He explained, "Iraq has made great strides in this field and worked on draft laws in this regard, including: draft laws on the right to obtain information and recover the proceeds of corruption and the second amendment to the Integrity and Illicit Gain Commission Law No. (30 of 2011), which will include subjecting the private sector to the provisions of Inflated money and graft.
    And he stressed "working with all partners to eradicate the scourge of corruption, especially the executive authority, which has put combating corruption in its first priority in its governmental program," noting that "increasing red-handed detection operations carried out by the authority's staff contributes to achieving two important goals: deterrence and prevention, The latter is part of the preventive measures to combat corruption, appreciating the role of international organizations such as the UNDP and the European Union in assisting Iraq in the field of legal aid and training.
    For her part, the representative of the European Union mission to Iraq (Barbara Iger) praised the efforts of the government of the Prime Minister (Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani) in combating corruption, describing what Iraq is doing in the field of corruption prevention and asset recovery as great achievements that will receive reinforcement and cooperation from the European Union mission. In Iraq," noting that "Iraq is on its way to gain international recognition for its efforts," and we hope that this will culminate in the next review to be held at the end of this year.
    The Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Program (Yama Turabi) praised the direction of the Republic of Iraq towards enacting laws that contribute to strengthening preventive measures, calling for a mixture of legal frameworks and mechanisms for the application of these frameworks, noting the authority’s action to automate the procedures related to asset recovery and the readiness of the United Nations Development Program to assist the authority in that.
    The United Nations Development Program expert (Hussein Hassan) gave an overview of the provisions of the United Nations Convention against Corruption and its eight chapters, reviewing in detail the review mechanisms, especially with regard to the second and fifth chapters, which indicated the difficulty of answering questions and inquiries related to them.
    Hussein pointed out that the team of governmental experts specialized in the review should be highly accurate in preparing the self-assessment and take into account the different legal systems of the countries under review and the different concepts and terminology in their laws in force, pointing out the importance of the results of the review for the country whose response to articles and items is to be assessed. The UN Convention, and its role in taking the necessary measures and remedies to overcome the observations included in the review.
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