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    Biden's remarks raise a fuss .. Erdogan, asking him to apologize and surprising Emirates

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    Biden's remarks raise a fuss .. Erdogan, asking him to apologize and surprising Emirates Empty Biden's remarks raise a fuss .. Erdogan, asking him to apologize and surprising Emirates

    Post by Rocky Sun 05 Oct 2014, 7:40 am

    Biden's remarks raise a fuss .. Erdogan, asking him to apologize and surprising Emirates

    Follow-Iraq Press -5 October / October: Student President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Vice President Joe Biden, to "apologize" on the back of his statements, which he accused Ankara, alongside Saudi Arabia and the UAE, "the funding and arming terrorist organizations" operating in Syria , while some expressed the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs was surprised to see those remarks.
    And Dan Erdogan, who was speaking to reporters in Istanbul, strongly statements attributed to Vice President Joe Biden, in which he accused Ankara of "funding and arming terrorists" in Syria.
    He said that "foreign fighters did not pass through Turkey with their weapons days to enter Syria," calling Biden to "apologize" for his country.
    Turn and eternal, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, the United Arab Emirates Anwar bin Mohammed Gargash astonishment of these statements, and pointed to the "remoteness from the truth, especially in regard to the role of the UAE in tackling extremism and terrorism, a clear position and advanced to recognize this danger, including the financing of terrorism and his groups."  
    Mkerkash said, Sunday, that the statements referred to ignore the steps and measures taken by the UAE players and their positions on historical and declared in a file the financing of terrorism, as part of a broader political stance in addressing this scourge. " 
     He demanded a formal explanation of the vice president's remarks American, which created negative impressions and unreal about the role of the UAE, and its record, especially in this period of support of the UAE is politically and practically to the efforts to address the organization Daash in particular, and the fight against terrorism in general, "explaining that" went Emirates against terrorism represents a commitment national pioneering realizes the danger of extremism and terrorism in the region and their children. "
    He was Vice President Joe Biden accused the countries allied to the United States, including Turkey and the Emirates as "financing and arming organizations Arhabiyhfa Syria."
    Biden's statement came in a speech Thursday at Harvard University about the United States policy in the Middle East, did not hesitate to Biden during his speech about the Arab allies and Turkey, in reference to direct involvement with "terrorist groups" in Syria.
    Biden said "our biggest problem was our allies in the region. Turks Friends senior us, as well as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates and others, but only interest was to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for that waged a proxy war between Sunnis and Shiites and provided hundreds of millions of dollars and tens of thousands of tons of arms to all who accept to fight al-Assad. "
    He added that "Erdogan admitted his mistake in this regard," Ended (1)

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