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    Japanese newspaper: Israel may use lies about invading Iraq to attack Gaza

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    Japanese newspaper: Israel may use lies about invading Iraq to attack Gaza Empty Japanese newspaper: Israel may use lies about invading Iraq to attack Gaza

    Post by Rocky Thu 26 Oct 2023, 2:12 pm

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    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    [size=52]Japanese newspaper: Israel may use lies about invading Iraq to attack Gaza[/size]
    • Today 19:43

    A report by the Japanese newspaper The Japan Times, Thursday, confirmed that fools learn from experience, while only wise people learn from history, and this is what we are seeing now in the Israeli entity not learning from the lessons of the invasion of Iraq and the consequences of the ground operation it intends to carry out. On the occupied Palestinian territories in Gaza. 
    The report, translated by the Maalouma Agency, stated that “the weaknesses of the Israeli entity are represented in three main points: the lack of planning by the invading force, the lack of preparedness of the Israeli occupation army, driven by blind hatred and passion, and the failure to consult any party of experts and those concerned with the decision to start the war.” 
    The report added, "The Israeli entity has three dead ends. As for occupying Gaza permanently, which is impossible, which has already withdrawn from Gaza in 2005. The second option is for the Palestinian Authority to govern Gaza, but this authority, which is based in Ramallah, has lost its credibility among the public." People, which is also an unlikely option, or transferring the authority of Gaza to Egypt, which is also impossible. It will not be possible for any Arab country to control a land that it cannot rule and return it to the authority of another country.” 
    The report explained that “the entry of the Israeli entity into Gaza means entering its army into a quagmire from which it cannot emerge except with heavy losses and defeat, as happened with the American invasion of Iraq, which ended with the withdrawal of the invading forces without achieving anything significant.” The report indicated that “for many Arab leaders, it may no 
    longer The Jewish state poses the greatest danger to them, and what concerns them most are the threats arising from terrorist extremism internally or externally. However, since most Arab countries, whether monarchies or dictatorships, have not fully proven the legitimacy of their rule, the Palestinian issue is supposed to remain an Arab issue, and for this reason The reason Arab leaders do not take strict measures against violent anti-Israel protests in their countries, as long as public opinion is full of anti-Israel sentiment, is because they also know that they can exploit the protests for the purpose of national unity unless anti-Israel sentiment turns into anger against their governments. Ended / 25 Z

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